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[sunting] Kebudayaan nasional
Kebudayaan nasional adalah kebudayaan yang diakui sebagai identitas nasional. Definisi kebudayaan nasional menurut TAP MPR No.II tahun 1998, yakni:“ | Kebudayaan nasional yang berlandaskan Pancasila adalah perwujudan cipta, karya dan karsa bangsa Indonesia dan merupakan keseluruhan daya upaya manusia Indonesia untuk mengembangkan harkat dan martabat sebagai bangsa, serta diarahkan untuk memberikan wawasan dan makna pada pembangunan nasional dalam segenap bidang kehidupan bangsa. Dengan demikian Pembangunan Nasional merupakan pembangunan yang berbudaya.Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Wujud, Arti dan Puncak-Puncak Kebudayaan Lama dan Asli bai Masyarakat Pendukukungnya, Semarang: P&K, 199 | ” |
Pernyataan yang tertera pada GBHN tersebut merupakan penjabaran dari UUD 1945 Pasal 32. Dewasa ini tokoh-tokoh kebudayaan Indonesia sedang mempersoalkan eksistensi kebudayaan daerah dan kebudayaan nasional terkait dihapuskannya tiga kalimat penjelasan pada pasal 32 dan munculnya ayat yang baru. Mereka mempersoalkan adanya kemungkinan perpecahan oleh kebudayaan daerah jika batasan mengenai kebudayaan nasional tidak dijelaskan secara gamblang.
Sebelum di amandemen, UUD 1945 menggunakan dua istilah untuk mengidentifikasi kebudayaan daerah dan kebudayaan nasional. Kebudayaan bangsa, ialah kebudayaan-kebudayaan lama dan asli yang terdapat sebagi puncak-puncak di daerah-daerah di seluruh Indonesia, sedangkan kebudayaan nasional sendiri dipahami sebagai kebudayaan angsa yang sudah berada pada posisi yang memiliki makna bagi seluruh bangsa Indonesia. Dalam kebudayaan nasional terdapat unsur pemersatu dari Banga Indonesia yang sudah sadar dan menglami persebaran secara nasional. Di dalamnya terdapat unsur kebudayaan bangsa dan unsur kebudayaan asing, serta unsur kreasi baru atau hasil invensi nasional. Direktorat Sejarah dan Nilai Tradsional, Kongres Kebudayaan 1991: Kebudayaan Nasional Kini dan di Masa Depan,
[sunting] Wujud kebudayaan daerah di Indonesia
Kebudayaan daerah tercermin dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat di seluruh daerah di Indonesia. Setiap saerah memilki ciri khas kebudayaan yang berbeda.[sunting] Rumah adat
- Aceh: Rumoh Aceh
- Sumatera Barat : Rumah Gadang
- Sumatera Selatan : Rumah Limas
- Jawa : Joglo
- Papua : Honai
- Sulawesi Selatan : Tongkonang (Tana Toraja), Bola Soba (Bugis Bone), Balla Lompoa (Makassar Gowa)
- Sulawesi Tenggara: Istana buton
- Sulawesi Utara: Rumah Panggung
- Kalimantan Barat: Rumah Betang
- Nusa Tenggara Timur: Lopo
- Maluku : Balieo
[sunting] Tarian
- Jawa: Bedaya, Kuda Lumping, Reog
- Bali: Kecak, Barong/ Barongan, Pendet
- Maluku: Cakalele, Orlapei, Katreji
- Aceh: Saman, Seudati
- Minangkabau: Tari Piring, Tari Payung, Tari Indang, Tari Randai, Tari Lilin
- Betawi: Yapong
- Sunda: Jaipong, Tari Topeng
- Timor NTT: Likurai, Bidu, Tebe, Bonet, Pado'a, Rokatenda, Caci
- Batak Toba & Suku Simalungun: Tortor
- Sulawesi Selatan: Tari Pakkarena, Tarian Anging Mamiri, Tari Padduppa, Tari 4 Etnis
- Sulawesi Tengah: Dero
- Pesisir Sibolga/Tapteng: Tari Sapu Tangan , Tari Adok , Tari Anak , Tari Pahlawan , Tari Lagu Duo , Tari Perak , Tari Payung
- Riau : Persembahan, Zapin, Rentak Bulian, Serampang Dua Belas
- Lampung : Bedana, Sembah, Tayuhan, Sigegh, Labu Kayu
- Irian Jaya: ( Musyoh, Selamat Datang )
- Nias : famaena
[sunting] Lagu
- Jakarta: Kicir-kicir, Jali-jali, Lenggang Kangkung
- Maluku : Rasa Sayang-sayange, Ayo Mama, Buka Pintu, Burung Tantina,Goro-Gorone, Huhatee
- Melayu : Soleram, Tanjung Katung
- Minangkabau : Kampuang nan Jauh di Mato, Kambanglah Bungo, Indang Sungai Garinggiang
- Aceh : Bungong Jeumpa
- Kalimantan Selatan : Ampar-Ampar Pisang
- Nusa Tenggara Timur : Anak Kambing Saya, Oras Loro Malirin, Sonbilo, Tebe Onana, Ofalangga, Do Hawu, Bolelebo, Lewo Ro Piring Sina, Bengu Re Le Kaju, Aku Retang, Gaila Ruma Radha, Desaku
- Sulawesi Selatan : Angin Mamiri
- Sumatera Utara : Anju Ahu, Bungo Bangso, Cikala Le Pongpong, Bungo Bangso, Butet, Dago Inang Sarge,
- Papua/Irian Barat : Apuse
- Sumatera Barat : Ayam Den Lapeh, Barek Solok, Dayung Palinggam, Kambanglah Bungo, Kampuang Nan Jauh Di Mato, Ka Parak Tingga,
- Jambi: Batanghari
- Jawa Barat : Bubuy Bulan, Cing Cangkeling, Es Lilin, Karatagan Pahlawan,
- Kalimantan Barat : Cik-Cik Periuk
- Sumatera Selatan : Cuk Mak Ilang, Dek Sangke, Gending Sriwijaya, Kabile-bile,
- Banten : Dayung Sampan
- Sulawesi Utara : Esa Mokan
- Jawa Tengah : Gambang Suling, Gek Kepriye, Gundul Pacul, Ilir-ilir, Jamuran
- Nusa Tenggara Barat : Helele U Ala De Teang
- Kalimantan Timur : Indung-Indung
- Jambi : Injit-Injit Semut
- Kalimantan Tengah : Kalayar
- Karatagan Pahlawan (Jawa Barat)
- Keraban Sape (Jawa Timur)
- Keroncong Kemayoran (Jakarta)
- Kole-Kole (Maluku)
- Lalan Belek (Bengkulu)
- Lembah Alas (Aceh)
- Lisoi (Sumatera Utara)
- Madekdek Magambiri (Sumatera Utara)
- Malam Baiko (Sumatera Barat)
- Mande-Mande (Maluku)
- Manuk Dadali (Jawa Barat)
- Ma Rencong (Sulawesi Selatan)
- Mejangeran (Bali)
- Mariam Tomong (Sumatera Utara)
- Moree (Nusa Tenggara Barat)
- Nasonang Dohita Nadua (Sumatera Utara)
- O Ina Ni Keke (Sulawesi Utara)
- Ole Sioh (Maluku)
- Orlen-Orlen (Nusa Tenggara Barat)
- O Ulate (Maluku)
- Pai Mura Rame (Nusa Tenggara Barat)
- Pakarena (Sulawesi Selatan)
- Panon Hideung (Jawa Barat)
- Paris Barantai (Kalimantan Selatan)
- Peia Tawa-Tawa (Sulawesi Tenggara)
- Peuyeum Bandung (Jawa Barat)
- Pileuleuyan (Jawa Barat)
- Pinang Muda (Jambi)
- Piso Surit (Aceh)
- Pitik Tukung (Yogyakarta)
- Flobamora, Potong Bebek Angsa (Nusa Tenggara Timur)
- Rambadia (Sumatera Utara)
- Rang Talu (Sumatera Barat)
- Rasa Sayang-Sayange (Maluku)
- Ratu Anom (Bali)
- Saputangan Bapuncu Ampat (Kalimantan Selatan)
- Sarinande (Maluku)
- Selendang Mayang (Jambi)
- Sengko-Sengko (Sumatera Utara)
- Siboga Tacinto (Sumatera Utara)
- Sinanggar Tulo (Sumatera Utara)
- Sing Sing So (Sumatera Utara)
- Sinom (Yogyakarta)
- Si Patokaan (Sulawesi Utara)
- Sitara Tillo (Sulawesi Utara)
- Soleram (Riau)
- Surilang (Jakarta)
- Suwe Ora Jamu (Yogyakarta)
- Tanduk Majeng (Jawa Timur)
- Tanase (Maluku)
- Tapian Nauli (Sumatera Utara)
- Tari Tanggai (Sumatera Selatan)
- Tebe Onana (Nusa Tenggara Barat)
- Te Kate Dipanah (Yogyakarta)
- Tokecang (Jawa Barat)
- Tondok Kadadingku (Sulawesi Tengah)
- Tope Gugu (Sulawesi Tengah)
- Tumpi Wayu (Kalimantan Tengah)
- Tutu Koda (Nusa Tenggara Barat)
- Terang Bulan (Jakarta)
- Yamko Rambe Yamko (Papua)
- Bapak Pucung (Jawa Tengah)
- Yen Ing Tawang Ono Lintang (Jawa Tengah)
- Stasiun Balapan, Didi Kempot (Jawa Tengah)
- Anging Mamiri, Sulawesi Parasanganta (Sulawesi Selatan)
- bulu londong, malluya, io-io, ma'pararuk (Sulawesi Barat)
[sunting] Musik
- Jakarta: Keroncong Tugu.
- Maluku :
- Melayu : Hadrah, Makyong, Ronggeng
- Minangkabau :
- Aceh :
- Makassar : Gandrang Bulo, Sinrilik
- Pesisir Sibolga/Tapteng : Sikambang
[sunting] Alat musik
- Jawa: [[Gamelan][kendang jawa]].
- Nusa Tenggara Timur: Sasando, Gong dan Tambur, Juk Dawan, Gitar Lio.
- Gendang Bali
- Gendang simalungun
- Gendang Melayu
- Gandang Tabuik
- Sasando
- Talempong
- Tifa
- Saluang
- Rebana
- Bende
- Kenong
- Keroncong
- Serunai
- Jidor
- Suling Lembang
- Suling Sunda
- Dermenan
- Saron
- Kecapi
- Bonang
- Kendang Jawa
- Angklung
- Calung
- Kulintang
- Gong Kemada
- Gong Lambus
- Rebab
- Tanggetong
- Gondang Batak
- Kecapi, kesok-Kesok Bugis-makassar, dan sebagainya
[sunting] Gambar
[sunting] Patung
- Jawa: Patung Buto, patung Budha.
- Bali: Garuda.
- Irian Jaya: Asmat.
[sunting] Pakaian
- Jawa: Batik.
- Sumatra Utara: Ulos, Suri-suri, Gotong.
- Sumatra Utara, Sibolga: Anak Daro & Marapule.
- Sumatra Barat/ Melayu:
- sumatra selatanSongket
- Lampung : Tapis
- Sasiringan
- Tenun Ikat Nusa Tenggara Timur
- Bugis - MakassarBaju Bodo dan Jas Tutup, Baju La'bu
[sunting] Suara
- Jawa: Sinden.
- Sumatra: Tukang cerita.
- Talibun : (Sibolga, Sumatera Utara)
[sunting] Sastra/tulisan
- Jawa: Babad Tanah Jawa, karya-karya Ronggowarsito.
- Bali: karya tulis di atas Lontar.
- Sumatra bagian timur (Melayu): Hang Tuah
- Sulawesi Selatan Naskah Tua Lontara
- Timor Ai Babelen, Ai Kanoik
[sunting] Makanan
Timor Jagung Bose, Daging Se'i, Ubi Tumis.[sunting] Kebudayaan Modern Khas Indonesia
- Musik Dangdut: Elvie Sukaesih, Rhoma Irama.
- Film Indonesia: "Daun di Atas Bantal" (1998) yang mendapat penghargaan Film terbaik di "Asia Pacific Film Festival" di Taipei.
- Sastra: Pujangga Baru.
Kategori: Budaya Indonesia
Petruk bertugas menjaga diluar. sementara Gatotkaca masuk ke dalam menemui Pergiwa. Pergiwa menyambut Gatotkaca.
Gatotkaca: apakah benar berita bahwa adi pergiwa akan menilah dengan kakang Lesmana?
Pergiwa: benar berita itu kakang Gatotkaca
Gatotkaca: apakah adi Pergiwa menerima lamaran dari kakang Lesmana?
Pergiwa: tentu saja kakang gatotkaca, saya menerima dan siap melayani kakang Lesmana sebagai suami.
Gatotkaca: kalau begitu aku ikut bahagia, sebagai hadiah terimalah jantungku (Gatotkaca menyabut keris)
Tapi pada saat yang sama, bangsa Dewa juga mencipta senjata Konta Wijayadanu, satu-satunya senjata yang bisa melukai Gatotkaca, dan hanya bisa digunakan sekali pakai.
This is an epic telling the story of BHARATA dynasty from thekingdom of HASTINAPURA . It discloses the continuos war between 'evil' and 'goodness', at the end after a very long battle the goodness shall win, with the blessing of God Almighty, and after a lot of sacrifices had been done. The MAHABHARATA contains moral and philosophical teachings adopted by many Javanese.
SATYAWATI, the daughter of fisherman with amazing charm and beauty, undoubtedly had a lot of admirers. Her father, although was only an ordinary man, had a strong determination to marry her daughter with a man of super quality. He always prayed solemnly to Supreme God, the creator of the universe that SATYAWATI'S son, one day could be a wise and great king of the country.
KING SANTANU, a widower of BHARATA dynasty, the father of Crown Prince DEWABRATA or BISMA, a brilliant KSATRIA-warrior, fell in love with SATYAWATI. He could take her as a wife with condition, that a son born from her should be coronated as a king to substitute him. He became absent-minded, heavily distressed. He knew for sure that BISMA was the only right person who could replace him.
The wise BISMA, a man with a sharp vision, knew his father's problem and he should overcome his father's sadness soonest.
As for BISMA, on top of everything in the world was his love and respect to his father. He should do everything for his beloved one although he had to sacrifice his own life if necessary. Not to be a king was not a big deal! He should dedicate his service to the country and people, as a KSATRIA and RESI (Begawan) a saint, he should never marry. He agreed the son of SATYAWATI definitely should be king of BARATA dynasty.
On his own initiative, he went decisively to see SATYAWATI's father who was very surprised of what DEWABRATA or BISMA had decided. He said that he had never met a man of such nobleness, doing something only for the sake of other people's happiness.
SATYAWATI became SANTANU's wife and gave birth to several sons. She raised her sons in the best manner, including her eldest secret son with RESI PULOSORO, his name was KRISNA DWIPAYANA.
By secret destiny of life, KRESNA DWIPAYANA with his noble character, mastering a lot of knowledge and the essence of holy teachings become a King of HASTINAPURA ruled the country wisely. The life in his kingdom was just and prosperous, and he was honored not only by his own people but also by the people of neighboring countries.
In a proper time as he had planned it carefully, he decided to step down as king and carried on a life as a hermit doing a lot of SAMADI (meditation) for his own purity and for a peaceful life of his descendants and other people. He changed his name to BEGAWAN ABIYOSO.
He had married with Princesses of KASI Kingdom, AMBIKA (mother of DESTARATA) and AMBALIKA (mother of PANDU). So, the king of HASTINAPURA had three sons, DESTARATA, PANDU DEWANATA and WIDURA. DESTARATA, the elder one, was blind since his birth, in accordance with ethnic and regulation of DARMA, the ancient teachings, he was not entitled to become a king to success his father, the younger brother PANDU DEWANATA was crowned. WIDURA was crippled.
DESTARATA married with GENDARI, they had one hundred children called KAURAWA, the most popular were the eldest son DURYUDANA and his younger brothers DURSASANA, DURJAYA, DURMURSA, DURMATA, etc, and one sister DURSILAWATI, the wife of JAYAJATRA.
PANDU the king, he had two wives, the first DEWI KUNTI, gave birth to three sons; PUNTADEWA or YUDISTIRA, BIMA and ARJUNA. The second MADRIM, gave birth to a twin sons ; NAKULA and SADEWA. Those five sons were called PANDAWA.
PANDU's wife, KUNTI, before her marriage with PANDU, when she was a young girl, she had secretly made love with God of Sun, SURYA, and had a son - KARNA.
KUNTI's meeting with God SURYA had occurred after practicing mantra (magic spells) calling God of Sun. He was drawn by her spells, but could not return to heaven before showing his love. She was so afraid, as she was still a young girl. The god with his magical strength could guarantee her, that after delivering their child she should remain virgin. Thus KARNA was born; avoiding disgrace, the baby boy was thrown away to a river where a coachman who adopted him as his son picked him up. This secret was disclosed by KUNTI to KARNA only after BHARATAYUDA had been declared (BHARATAYUDA, the war between KAURAWA and PANDAWA - the war of BHARATA family).
Princess KUNTI as her husband chose the crown prince PANDU after winning a contest in thekingdom of KUNTIBOJA .
Among the competitors, many crown princes of different countries. PANDU had shown himself as the most gentle, handsome and charismatic KSATRIA warrior. No doubts, KUNTI draped the garland of flowers around his neck as a sign of her election.
His second wife, Princess MADRIM, the younger sister of king SALYA was also a woman of gifted natural beauty.
One a nice day, he went out for picnic with MADRIM, in the nearby forest blossoming with different flowers, the nature was so tranquil with pleasant circumstances, it was a beautiful time to caress his wife. He forgot that he was under the curse of a BRAHMANA (hermit) that he would die if he enjoyed himself with a woman.
One day PANDU was hunting deer in the wood, he saw a couple of deer playing around then he shot dead a deer with his arrow, it turned out that it was a hermit with his woman.
The young amorous king could not stop his natural need and died in the lap of MADRIM.
After the mourning period was over, DESTARATA was coronated as the king, although he was blind. His main advisor was BISMA, his unmarried uncle. He had no personal ambition and devoted his life entirely for HASTINAPURA and BHARATA dynasty. He supervised the life and education of his grand children; KAURAWA and PANDAWA. He was also called RESI BISMA (Resi - Priest).
WIDURA was advisor to DESTARATA, appointed by BISMA. He was a brilliant man, scholar, mastering a lot of knowledge such as literature, ethics of DARMA and PRIESTHOOD.
KRIPA, he was a guru to PANDAWA and KAURAWA, master in martial art and ethics of battle.
DURNA, the mahaguru to PANDAWA and KAURAWA. His father was a BRAHMANA (Hindu priest). After finishing his study of WEDA - Hindu holy teachings, he completed also his study in martial art and war strategy in which he became an expert. As a youngster his name was BAMBANG KUMBAYANA. He was prepared to do everything to defend his top position. One day, DURNA was involved in a battle face to face with PATIH (chief minister) GANDAMANA from CEMPALA or PANCHALA kingdom, his ex-rival when GANDAMANA was PATIH of HASTINAPURA. DURNA was totally defeated, one of his hands was fractured badly and it could not function anymore for the rest of his life. His nose was broken, so he had a twisted nose forever. He was referred as PENDITA DURNA, as appreciation of his expertise in holy teachings. He was married to KRIPA's sister and had one son ASWATAMA. He was accepted to work as a teacher in HASTINAPURA and lived in the palace compound. As a PENDITA (Brahmana, Pundit) he should carry on with an honest and low profile life, but life with his beloved family in the palace had lured him to luxurious path, which he prefered.
PANDAWA and KAURAWA were educated by DURNA. They were prepared to be the skilled KSATRIA - warriors, ready to dedicate their life for the fatherland. As a result of good and serious teaching, they were very skillful to use almost every kind of weapons.
On top of physical ability, they were given also moral and religious lessons. Moreover, some of them, depend on their own initiative and exercises had gained tremendous super natural power, even had received heirlooms (PUSAKA) from gods in the form of KERIS (dagger), bow and arrow, and MANTRA (magical spell).
In the process of training and living together during their childhood, as young KSATRIAS, the cousins PANDAWA and KAURAWA, were quite oftenly competing each other and quarreling.
DURYUDANA and DURSASANA were jealous to the superiority of PANDAWA in using weapons and in fight. PANDAWA were more diligent in learning, while KAURAWA were lazy because they were sons of the king.
One day, in an open archery contest for the KSATRIAS, in the square in front of the palace, watched by thousands of people, ARJUNA was superior. He was the best. The people applauded loudly every time ARJUNA hit the target. KAURAWA, especially DURYUDANA were jealous.
Unexpectedly, a youngster entered in the square and challenged ARJUNA that he could do the same as him or even better. He did some marvelous demonstration and then he challenged ARJUNA for a duel match in archery.
KAURAWA were happy, willing to see ARJUNA defeated. ARJUNA was not afraid, he agreed too. But suddenly, their guru - KRIPA stopped the plan for contest. He said that ARJUNA was a great KSATRIA of the great BHARATA dynasty, he would not do a contest with Mr. NO-BODY. This is a KSATRIA ethics, which must be respected.
DURYUDANA protested, he was going to promote that young handsome guy to be a noble man and should appoint him as ADIPATI (viceroy) of AWANGGA. Listening to DURYUDANA, a coachman came in happily, praising DURYUDANA for what he had done to his son. The unknown young man confessed that he is KARNA, the son of coachman.
This confession was ridiculed by PANDAWA. DURYUDANA took the hands of KARNA out of the arena, shouting that KARNA should be his best friend, the viceroy of AWANGGA. Since that time, KARNA was very faithful to KAURAWA until his death. During that incident nor KARNA nor PANDAWA knew that they were brothers.
A woman who witnessed the scene, had a strong feeling - that the youngster, judging from his face as hand some as his first love, wearing accessories when he was born; the shining earrings and holy weapons, must be her own son, her fruit of love with God of Sun, the elder brother of PANDAWA.
The woman, KUNTI, was trembling, afraid if something might happened to KARNA and ARJUNA, both were her sons, but she said and did nothing, kept the secret deeply in her heart.
SANGKUNI ( the evil character )
Another faithful friend to KAURAWA was SANGKUNI or HARYA SUMAN. He was a man full of intrigue, very tricky. In order to satisfy DURYUDANA to oppress PANDAWA, he would do gladly. Due to his mastering to twist words he was appointed as PATIH (chief minister) of HASTINAPURA under PANDU and DESTARATA.
SANGKUNI, he was handsome when he was young, his name was HARYA SUMAN. At his first year in HASTINAPURA, he did not have any position, although he was a trusted friend of DURYUDANA. But he was so smart to find ways in the central power if necessary by defamation. One of his victims was the PATIH GANDAMANA.
Upset by slanderous attacks of HARYA SUMAN, the honest PATIH GANDAMANA under king PANDU, beat him up black and blue, his handsome face became ugly. After that trashing, GANDAMANA left the palace.
King PANDU DEWANATA then appointed his brother in law, the younger brother of GANDARI (wife of DESTARATA) to be his chief minister. GANDARI and SANGKUNI were the children of a king from a smaller kingdom ATASANGIN or GENDARADESA.
Conspiracy to Kill PANDAWA
The people of HASTINAPURA adored more and more PANDAWA. They saw them as the sons of the great and farsighted King PANDU DEWANATA. PANDAWA now grown up, believed to have ability to govern the country as just and wise as their late father.
Moreover they had good behavior, polite, and always gave good examples to people, never hurt others. They were true KSATRIAS.
YUDISTIRA, the eldest of PANDAWA became the people's choice. He was very patient, never got to be angry, kind and wise, and had all conditions to be a great king like his late father. DURYUDANA, supported by KARNA and SANGKUNI, could not bear this unfortunate circumstance.
Moreover DURYUDANA was very jealous to his elegant cousin, ARJUNA. His wife queen BANOWATI secretly loved ARJUNA. He tried to influence his father, telling that people everywhere ridiculed DESTARATA and also BISMA. The people said that YUDISTIRA was the legitimate king of HASTINAPURA. PANDAWA was a menace to the power of KAURAWA, something had to be done to prevent the danger.
As a matter of fact, DESTARATA was a good and sincere man. He knew what's right and wrong. He had tried several times to advise his sons, especially the eldest - DURYUDANA to behave properly to be in a good terms with PANDAWA, their own cousins. But after a hot argument, DESTARATA would agree with whatever DURYUDANA's wish. He was a weak father who bowed to his son's wish, this bring unfortunate on PANDAWA.
A conspiracy to kill PANDAWA was on the way, directed by SANGKUNI, approved by DURYUDANA.
PANDAWA and DEWI KUNTI were invited to attend a grand party in BALAI SIGALA-GALA, a retreatpalace of BHARATA family. KAURAWA and their friends launched an extravagant celebration, PANDAWA and KUNTI were warmly welcome. Delicious and abundant foods and drinks served, music and dance by first class artist performed. Different kinds of games were available. Everyone enjoyed this grand fiesta.
Midnight was the peak of the party, where anybody seems a bit drunk, some were already collapsed on the floor. The KAURAWA ushered PANDAWA and KUNTI to their quarter to rest. After saying goodnight, the KAURAWA left the place. The PANDAWA wanted to sleep right away on the luxurious beds, as they were very tired.
But they were still protected by God. BATARA (god) NARADA, the assistant of BATARA (god) GURU, appeared in PANDAWA's quarter. He told PANDAWA that they were trapped by KAURAWA by burning the palace to kill PANDAWA. NARADA told them when the fire begun to burn the palace, they had to follow a white squirrel (GARANGAN) running to an underground tunnel without further delay, otherwise they were dead. NARADA vanished at once. When the fire started burning, and a white squirrel seen running, KUNTI and PANDAWA followed it through a dark tunnel.
The palace BALAI SIGALA-GALA was cought by a big fire, nothing remained except debris and ashes. KAURAWA were satisfied, they thought PANDAWA and KUNTI were already dead. While PANDAWA after crawling in the tunnel, came out and find themselves in the jungle. They were extremely exhausted, feeling sad and they did not understand why KAURAWA wanted to eliminate them.
When the news of the fire accident reached HASTINAPURA, the king and his elder advisors were sad thinking that KUNTI and PANDAWA died. They wore mourning clothes.
Unexpectedly in the jungle, KUNTI and PANDAWA were visited by an old BAGAWAN (priest) ABIYOSO, the grand father of PANDAWA. ABIYOSO was pity for the fate of his young grand children. He told them that there was no need to be distressed and remind them, because as a KSATRIA they had to overcome any obstacles.
At last he advised them not to return to HASTINAPURA for a while, instead they had to go to CEMPALA kingdom and disguised themselves as BRAHMANA.
In disguised as BRAHMANAS, KUNTI and PANDAWA lived in a beautiful country of CEMPALA orPANCHALA Kingdom . They wore BRAHMANA's clothes made of deer's leather.
In one beautiful sunny day, the court family of CEMPALA held a contest in which the winner should got the attractive princess - DRUPADI. It was held in the square in front of the ancient decorated palace. Among the crowd spectators were some distinguished guest, KSATRIAS from different kingdoms.
Crown prince DRESTAJUMENA represented the organizers, polity welcomed all the guests. Afterward he announced firmly and clearly that the winner was the one who could raised the available bows and arrows and the shooting could hit the target.
One by one archers had tried, including KING SALYA and DURYUDANA, but failed even to raise the bow, it was to heavy. Then came the turn of KARNA, viceroy of AWANGGA, a master in archery. Many people believed that he should be the winner, after seeing him raise the bow. But he had missed the target. So he also failed.
No more KSATRIAS entered the arena. Calmly a BRAHMANA came in, greeting politely to DRESTAJUMENA and asked cautiously if a BRAHMANA could be given a chance to participate. The crown Prince replied that every good man with good family background was entitled to take part and this was also the wish of her sister - DRUPADI.
All spectators were curious, who was that brave BRAHMANA. The BRAHMANA in fact he was ARJUNA, the archer of HASTINAPURA, after raising the bow, skillfully hit the target five consecutive times. The crowd was roaring, applauding to honor the winner.
Meanwhile the princess DRUPADI, wearing silk satin with shining jewelry, step down to arena. With wonderful GAMELAN accompaniment, smiling to handsome ARJUNA. DRUPADI draped a garland of flowers around his neck.
DRUPADI was brought to PANDAWA's rented house. KUNTI, the PANDAWA's mother decided that DRUPADI became the wife of five PANDAWA.
The Javanese WAYANG version of DRUPADI was different. The winner of the contest was the one who could defeat, PATIH GANDAMANA, uncle of DRUPADI, in a duel battle. GANDAMANA was famous as a KSATRIA who owned a strong supernatural power and very skillful in fights.
It was the wish of king DRUPADA, her daughter should marry with only a KSATRIA of super quality. Meanwhile KUNTI and PANDAWA had decided to join the contest, with the purpose to get a wife for the eldest son, PUNTADEWA or YUDISTIRA. PANDAWA should be represented by BIMA, as BIMA was already married man, if he could be a winner, DRUPADI was for PUNTADEWA.
After no KSATRIA could defeat GANDAMANA, PANDAWAS proposal was accepted. GANDAMANA, a KSATRIA who had the highest DARMA teachings, knew that his lifetime was numbered. He should return to eternity, to the holiest place where he came from. He knew that BIMA should be his cause of death, he was happy and not afraid. Only moments before the battle between two big strong heroes, GANDAMANA purified himself. Not known by anyone, he gave his magical spell to BIMA. After a heroic battle, GANDAMANA defeated and dead.
DRUPADI became the wife of PUNTADEWA. Latter on, DRUPADI's adroit younger sister, SRIKANDI fell in love with her own GURU in archery - ARJUNA, and became his wife.
The news of the success of PANDAWA in CEMPALA and that they were still alive broke out and reached HASTINAPURA. Their appearance in CEMPALA has denied previous news that PANDAWA had died one year ago in BALAI SIGALA-GALA. King DRUPADA asked PANDAWA and their family to stay in CEMPALA as long as they like. He could not trust DESTARATA and KAURAWA.
Meanwhile in the court meeting in HASTINAPURA, King DESTARATA pressured by BISMA and WIDURA, was compelled to call back PANDAWA to live in HASTINAPURA again.
n other court session, DESTARATA and his advisors, had decided that PANDAWA should be given a half territory of the country. This just and wise decision was taken, to prevent further conflicts between the cousins - PANDAWA and KAURAWA.
DURYUDANA and his gang - SANGKUNI and KARNA, were not happy with this 'political move' but could do nothing at the moment.
Thus, PUNTADEWA was inaugurated as King YUDISTIRA of AMARTA or INDRAPRASTA. PANDAWA and their family lived in AMARTA and successfully built the country. They carried their family life, having wives, sons, and palaces. Some of them are well known in the WAYANG KULIT (leather puppet) story such as:
Indonesia , a man who has many affairs is called an ARJUNA or a girl sometimes calls her sweetheart as my ARJUNA.
TheKingdom of AMARTA had a good relation also with other kingdom such as DWARAWATI, with his divine king KRESNA. Some figures from DWARAWATI were; SETYAKI, the army chief, KRESNA's sons; SUTEJA and SAMBA. KRESNA's brother BALADEWA was the king of MADURA. The Kingdoms of CEMPALA and WIRATA were also faithful friends of AMARTA.
What happened with KAURAWA? DURYUDANA had two children; a boy LESMANA and a girl LESMANAWATI. The only girl of KAURAWA, DURSILAWATI married to JAYAJATRA. One of KAURAWA faithful friend was BURISRAWA.
It was the time for AMARTA to declare itself as a great kingdom - empire with YUDISTIRA as a great king as advised by KRESNA. The most important pre requisite of RAJASUYA was 'it must be attended at least by one hundred kings'.
There was another kingdom, MAGADA with its king JARASANDA also wishing to perform RAJASUYA. He had decided to celebrate it by force. He had captured around seventy kings from these neighboring countries, and had jailed them in MAGADA's prison.
PANDAWA's army attacked MAGADA, killed JARASANDA and liberated the seventy kings who were grateful to YUDISTIRA and KRESNA. At that victorious day, AMARTA kingdom celebrated RAJASUYA. At that ceremony, one of the guest kings, must be inaugurated as the most honorable guest. All of the attendance agreed that that this should be KRESNA.
Only a king, named SISUPALA was against. SISUPALA started to insult KRESNA. Although he owed his life to KRESNA but he always hated him. KRESNA had promised to SISUPALA's mother a long time ago that he would not hurt SISUPALA with an exception ' if KRESNA was insulted in front of one hundred persons then he should punish SISUPALA'. In that case in front of RAJASUYA, KRESNA had executed his right and SISUPALA died in the fight.
AMARTA had become an empire under the great king YUDISTIRA and recognized by more than one hundred kingdoms. The life in the empire was perfect.
KAURAWA and their advisors did not stop thinking how to ruin PANDAWA. At last SANGKUNI found a way out to defeat PANDAWA without a war. It was a gambling at dice. SANGKUNI knew that YUDISTIRA was very found at dice gambling, YUDISTIRA was a good gambler, but did not master how to cheat with the dice.
In accordance with KSATRIA ethics, a KSATRIA would not reject an invitation to play a dice, that was the case with YUDISTIRA. He was invited, SANGKUNI the master gambler skillfully manipulated it. YUDISTIRA lost all bets, all his material wealth, his palace, his country, PANDAWA, and his wife DRUPADI. DRUPADI was humiliated by DURSASANA.
Under the pressure of DESTARATA's advisors, result of the gambling revoked. The decision changed 'PANDAWA had to live in the jungle for twelve years. In the 13th year they were permitted to live in any country in disguise. If they were found and recognized by other people, PANDAWA had to go back to the jungle for another twelve years.
So, PANDAWA and DRUPADI went to exile. Facing a very hard life in the jungle, BIMA protested to his elder brother, YUDISTIRA. He saw by his own eyes and sure that YUDISTIRA saw too that DURYUDANA by the help of SANGKUNI had cheated. In that case the result must not be accepted. BIMA did not understand why YUDISTIRA who saw the dirty dishonest trick during the gambling did not protest them.
YUDISTIRA replied firmly that as a KSATRIA holding highly the value of DARMA, he would not disgrace DURYUDANA in front of many people, especially DURYUDANA who was a nobleman of HASTINAPURA. Moreover, since that time, they had to carry out the promise before the gambling that the looser had to go in exile for twelve years.
PANDAWA could adopt the life in the jungle, they live very modestly. Suffering had made their spiritual life calmer, and their minds became clear. Some people joined or lived near by them to live as ascetics.
BEGAWAN ABIYOSO, their grand father and guru came to visit. He told them that fate was unavoidable as he predicted during RAJASUYA. Many kings, warriors, families and enemies should die in the coming big war, PANDAWA should suffer physically for fourteen years. He told them to be brave and must past this up grading course in life and then happiness would come.
ARJUNA went to mountain INDRAKILA, live as a hermit. He meditated requesting justice so that PANDAWA could receive back their legal country. The experience of ARJUNA in this meditation was a very famous plot in leather puppet, it takes the whole night to perform this plot, and the story of this plot is named 'BEGAWAN CIPTONING MINTOROGO'.
This request was accepted by BATARA GURU, he was given a supernaturally powerful (SAKTI) heirloom (PUSAKA) in the form of a bow and arrow called PASOPATI, which could be effectively used by ARJUNA in the war of BHARATAYUDA.
KRESNA together with his brother BALADEWA and his chief warrior SETYAKI visited PANDAWA in the jungle. SETYAKI, seeing the miserable life at PANDAWA had asked KRESNA, whether PANDAWA should have to wait for another twelve years to return to AMARTA. Why they did not attack KAURAWA right now with to help of many friends.
KRESNA replied was NO. PANDAWA had to keep the promise even it was a bad one. PANDAWA must have patience and learn to overcome obstacles in life by conducting the good and right deeds permitted by God Almighty.
When the time had come and KAURAWA did not keep the promise, then PANDAWA had the right to take whatever action against KAURAWA, to declare war if necessary. KRESNA and YUDISTIRA were in the same opinion that truth is above power and prosperity.
WIRATA was chosen as a place to hide because this kingdom had not a good relation with HASTINAPURA. They got job as servants in the palace. YUDISTIRA was a servant of the king, DRUPADI served the queen. BIMA was a cook ARJUNA was a dance teacher, NAKULA took care of horses, while SADEWA took care of cows.
Months had passed, the intelligent units of KAURAWA spreading to a lot of countries could not find the whereabouts of PANDAWA. In the eleventh month, an accident occurred. The WIRATA's chief warrior found dead after trying to rape DRUPADI. Rumors spread that a giant, husband of the queen servant killed him. KAURAWA suspected that the killer must be BIMA, then KAURAWA decided to attack WIRATA.
Led by DURYUDANA, flanked by BISMA, DURNA, KARNA and SANGKUNI the attack began. WIRATA's troop led by crown prince UTORO. At first UTORO hesitated and then ARJUNA who became his coachman encouraged him not to be afraid. PANDAWA now became very skillful at battlefield defeated KAURAWA in a short time. DURYUDANA said that PANDAWA had to return to a jungle for another twelve years, because they have been discovered before 13th year had passed. BISMA explained that the last day was one day before KAURAWA attacked WIRATA, then he advised DURYUDANA that in order to have a good relation with PANDAWA again, AMARTA must be given back to PANDAWA.
DURYUDANA categorically refused BISMA's advice and firmly said that not even a piece of land should be returned to PANDAWA at whatever risk. KAURAWA prepared for war.
KRESNA, the wise king, was sent to HASTINAPURA by PANDAWA to negotiate a peaceful return of AMARTA to PANDAWA (in Javanese KRESNA DUTA). DURYUDANA, advised strongly by SANGKUNI, KARNA, JAYAJATRA and BURISRAWA was against the proposal by other advisors such as BISMA, WIDURA, KRIPA, DURNA and even his own father DESTARATA, that DURYUDANA should keep the promise gentlemanly after PANDAWA had left the country for thirteen years. DURYUDANA said proudly that as a king he had a full right to rule the country as he wished. He did not need to follow what the good books said.
BISMA said if the war broke, KAURAWA was much less powerful than PANDAWA, KAURAWA should be defeated. The KSATRIAS from PANDAWA were so SAKTI (have powerful supernatural power) and their PUSAKA (heirlooms) were also SAKTI, so there was no chance for KAURAWA to win the war. Moreover many of them or even all would die. DURYUDANA said that he was not afraid to confront PANDAWA. DESTARATA intercepted nicely, "My sons, please don't be greedy, having a half of this country is enough for you and the whole family, we shall live peacefully !".
But DURYUDANA totally dominated by evil spirit, did not want to give back AMARTA to the right owner, he could not see his own cousin PANDAWA to live as happy as KAURAWA. He just would not accept any advice from guru, begawan and even god, that a total war with PANDAWA, all KAURAWA would be dead. He and his friends started to insult KRESNA. And KRESNA upon witnessing the worst mental attitude of KAURAWA, people with no honor, went out side the courtroom, tried to oppress his anger. Spontaneously his magic power spell - TRIWIKRAMA appeared, KRESNA turned out to be a huge giant, with thunderous voice shouted, " The truth should prevail. KAURAWA, all of you shall be eliminated in BHARATAYUDA".
Upon hearing this TRIWIKARMA's voice, KAURAWA and all the audience were trembling afraid, also DURYUDANA. DESTARATA tried to apologize for what his evil son DURYUDANA had done, begged him not to execute the will of TRIWIKRAMA. KRESNA answered, "That is God punishment, it shall happened". KRESNA returned to the base camp of PANDAWA to report.
n Java, it is called BHARATAYUDA JAYABINANGUN, a war to end the conflict between PANDAWA and KAURAWA, which where cousins from the same dynasty - BHARATA's. The winners should continue the dynasty ruling over HASTINAPURA Empire.
It was an unavoidable war designed by heaven's power to eliminate all evil elements in the world. There were two opposite camps, fighting to ruin each other. But not every person involved directly in the battle, they were exception.
KRESNA by divine decision, was not allowed to involved in direct battle, using his power and weapon to crash KAURAWA, because of this happened, KAURAWA should be melted instantly by powerful KRESNA. He was permitted to act as PANDAWA's advisor and coachman of ARJUNA. DESTARATA and WIDURA remained neutral. BALADEWA did not agree with a war solution, had left the battlefield.
Some elder figures such as BISMA, DURNA, KRIPA, and KING SALYA although they were against DURYUDANA's attitude, due to their own reasons had to join KAURAWA's forces. SENGKUNI and KARNA with full determination also joined to KAURAWA.
On the side of PANDAWA were famous KSATRIAS from CEMPALA kingdom such as DRESTAJUNMENA, the woman archer SRIKANDI, fromWIRATA Kingdom , UTORO and his brothers - RESI SETO and SANGA, SETYAKI from DWARAWATI. The sons of PANDAWA, the brave and powerful GATOTKACA, ABIMAYU, BAMBANG IRAWAN.
Seeing the list of fighters, the war in KURUSETA terrain should be dreadful !.
DEWI KUNTI and KARNA - The Mother and Son
When both sides were preparing for the war a mother was worried for the destiny of one of her sons, her eldest son. Viceroy KARNA of AWANGGA, was a chief warrior of KAURAWA, going to fight his own brothers - PANDAWA in 'alive or die' battle. She confessed her mistake by not telling KARNA and PANDAWA that they were brothers - her sons. The mother DEWI KUNTI was same as any mother in earth, could not see her own sons going to kill each other. Secretly and decisively he went to see KARNA in his residence.
The viceroy was amazed by her visit, then asked her, "What could a son of coachman do for you, queen KUNTI, the mother of the noble PANDAWA ?".
"You are not a son of a coachman, ADIRATA is not your father, your father is God SURYA and your mother is me, KUNTI, who is also the mother of PANDAWA, your own brothers", KUNTI said.
Then KUNTI told KARNA the real story. She begged KARNA, in this very critical moment, it was right to leave the bad character of KAURAWA and joined his brothers - PANDAWA who were on the right side.
KUNTI continued, "By joining your brothers PANDAWA, all of you should be a powerful force able to eliminate whatever evil in the world. Please KARNA, my son, or SURYAPUTRA (son of God SURYA), do it as a reflection of your mother's love!".
KARNA the brave warrior was shocked to hear this sudden evidence, his senses told him that what KUNTI said was true and he could feel also the approval of God SURYA. After having composed of himself KARNA replied sadly, "What you have asked me, dear mother, is against KSATRIA's character. What you have done to me since I was born had robbed my right of a mother's love. I have eaten the rice of KAURAWA and I have been given position, luxurious life and trusted by them. I have also advised them to go in war, and now all of a sudden, I join PANDAWA. What will people think of me? I have betrayed my trust, I am a traitor!". Trying not to be emotional he further said, "In respect of your order to me, dear mother, I will not do any harm to PANDAWA in the war, no matter what they are going to do to me. I will not kill them, except to ARJUNA. So PANDAWA will remain five persons, the fifth is either ARJUNA or me. Please apologize me!".
DEWI KUNTI could say nothing, then she left after giving him a big hug. She asked to herself, "Who could avoid the fate of life?". She hoped God should bless him.
On the first day of BHARATAYUDA JAYABIMANGUN, RESI BISMA was appointed by KAURAWA as their commander in chief (SENAPATI), PANDAWA entrusted this duty to DRESTAJUMENA, elder brother of DRUPADI and SRIKANDI. BISMA the grand father of PANDAWA and KAURAWA proudly accepted the position of SENAPATI saying that as a KSATRIA, he should prefer to die in the battlefield than lying in bed with sickness.
Minutes before the war started, YUDISTIRA went to his grand father BISMA alone, kneeling to great him and said, "I apologize that today I have to fight you in this unavoidable war. But I would like to let you know that the big family of PANDAWA love and respect you sincerely. I would like to ask your blessing in this holy war".
The great BISMA almost cried, touching lightly YUDISTIRA head and replied, "Deep in my heart, I always love you PANDAWA and KAURAWA, I am sorry that I have failed to prevent this war and worse I am compelled to join the opposite side due to my commitments to DESTARATA. I don't hesitate that you are on the right side. Fight as a true KSATRIA and you would win. May God bless you".
Then YUDISTIRA did the same thing by visiting KRIPA and SALYA.
The war began, BISMA fought as a lion, and the other warriors from both side too. In the first day, from PANDAWA side UTORO and SETO of WIRATA were killed. DURYUDANA was happy.
In the third day, after evaluating the situation, with many victims on PANDAWA force, KRESNA advised that BISMA had to be killed right away. ARJUNA was hesitating, how could he killed his own family, guru, in the battle. Should it be better if PANDAWA gave up their demand?
The wise KRESNA advised ARJUNA on morality, ethics of KSATRIA, KARMA, DARMA, etc, among other he said, "Born as KSATRIA, you must be ready at anytime to live and to die on a tip of a weapon. Holy duty of KSATRIA is to serve the country by deflating enemies in the war to win the truth". The advice of KRESNA to ARJUNA during BHARATAYUDA was called BAGAWADGITA.
PANDAWA's forces in the meeting had decided SRIKANDI to lead PANDAWA's army's against BISMA. BISMA upon seeing SRIKANDI tried to avoid her. He knew that his death should be in the hand of a tomboy woman. Although he already knew that, his lifetime was numbered, he fought bravely. Many arrows shot by SRIKANDI, helped by ARJUNA penetrated his old body, finally he felt down (the name of SRIKANDI is very famous inIndonesia . Nowadays, many careers woman in Indonesia with respect are called SRIKANDI INDONESIA ).
BISMA dying surrounded by PANDAWA and KAURAWA, he told DURYUDANA, "You are the one who could stop this war. Don't be greedy to your own cousins PANDAWA. As for my self I am dying in piece, I have paid my debts to KAURAWA".
DURYUDANA refused to stop the war, and accused him that BISMA had always on the side of PANDAWA. Then BISMA said to KARNA nicely, "I knew your secret, BATARA (god) NARADA told me that you are the son of BATARA SURYA with DEWI KUNTI, you should take the side of your younger brothers PANDAWA, the real KSATRIAS, fighting for the truth".
KARNA knelt to him respectfully replied, " My respected grand father, with all my love to you, I have to join KAURAWA, who have take good care of me for the whole life. This is the ethic of KSATRIA, I'll sacrifice my life to pay my debts".
BISMA whispered slowly, "it is your determination, that is the best way". BISMA death mourned deeply by all fighters.
Meanwhile many KAURAWA's brothers had died in the hand of BIMA. PANDAWA had also paid dearly - BAMBANG IRAWAN, a son of ARJUNA died in the heroic battle.
KAURAWA had a new commander in chief, Guru (teacher) DURNA, master of war strategy and skillful fighter. In the thirteenth day, ONGKO WIJAYA or ABIMAYU got killed very cruelly. He was tortured heavily in an uneven battle, beaten by DURNA, ASWATAMA, SENGKUNI, DURSASANA, after being trapped by JAYADRATA. PANDAWA was in mourning, especially ARJUNA, the father of ONGKO WIJAYA.
In this sudden moment, came their grand father - ABIYOSO, he told them no need to grieve too deeply, they had to remember the natural law of life and death.
In the following mourning, Arjuna vowed to kill JAYADRATA before sunset. BIMA in anger killed again several brothers of KAURAWA, GATOTKACA showing his ability to fly, hit to dead many enemies' soldiers. BURISRAWA, a strong KAURAWA's supporter was de-headed by SETYAKI's sword.
It was already afternoon, JAYADRATA was always staying far from ARJUNA. JAYADRATA was afraid to fight face to face with ARJUNA. KRESNA shot his mighty CAKRA (arrow with sharp disc head), it is the heirloom of BATARA WISHNU. The effect was surprising, clouds covered the sun. The fighters thought it was already sunset, the battle of today stopped and resumed again for tomorrow. JAYADRATA wanted to spot where was ARJUNA, lifted his head.
ARJUNA had prepared his powerful heirloom - PASOPATI, an arrow given to him from BATARA guru (ARJUNA had used PASOPATI to kill a powerful king giant NIWATA KAWACA, who attacked thekingdom of Heaven ). The arrow hit JAYADRATA's neck, his head rolled in the earth and died.
KRESNA the great advisor for PANDAWA knew that DURNA was not easy to be defeated, some tactics must be used to weak him. DURNA was a begawan (priest) but his love to his son ASWATAMA had made him taken a wrong decision to side with KAURAWA. KRESNA asked BIMA to kill KAURAWA's elephant by name ASWATAMA (the name was the same as DURNA's son), after that all the soldiers had to shout strongly and repeatedly, "ASWATAMA was dead!".
The thunderous yells were heard by DURNA, he was shocked whether it was true. He decided to ask a confirmation to YUDISTIRA, the man who never lied in his whole life. YUDISTIRA replied the confused DURNA softly, "Yes, ASWATAMA, the strong elephant is dead". The worried DURNA only heard the words 'ASWATAMA - dead'. He was totally demoralized, he could not imagine living without his beloved son ASWATAMA, the one he hoped to continue his aspirations of life. He could not concentrate in battle, as a result he was killed in the hands of DRESTAJUMENA.
GATOTKACA who had ability to fly was the air force of PANDAWA, his powerful magic blows had victimized a lot of KAURAWA fighters. He led an army of giant from his own kingdom - PRINGGODANI.
DURYUDANA was worried to see the storming attacks of GATOTKACA's army. He instructed KARNA to eliminate GATOTKACA immediately, otherwise more and more KARNA's soldiers should die within a short time.
KARNA at that time was busy to start a duel fight against ARJUNA. He was the only one in KAURAWA forces who had a heirloom arrow, which could kill ARJUNA. The heirloom's name was KUNTO WIJAYA DANU. KARNA heard a thunderous storm in the sky and a black cloud moving. He knew by instinct that it must be GATOTKACA in action. He shot his KUNTO to that cloud whilst going forward to face ARJUNA.
When baby GATOTKACA was born, his navel could not be cut with any knife. Upon advice from a wise man, the navel was cut by the casing of KUNTO arrow. But the KUNTO's casing penetrated inside his stomach permanently. The fate had predicted that when the arrow KUNTO returned to its casing then GATOTKACA should die. When GATOTKACA was a youngster, by accident he had killed his giant uncle, KALABENDANA. The spirit of KALABENDANA had been waiting to revenge. He knew the fate of GATOTKACA's death in BHARATAYUDA. The shot of KARNA in fact did not hit the target, the arrow KUNTO could not reach GATOTKACA who flied too high. In a very quick move, KALABENDANA's spirit took KUNTO and told him, " You have to return to your casing, I'll help you". So, with the help of KALABENDANA's spirit, KUNTO hit GATOTKACA. GATOTKACA's spirit together with KALABENDANA's went back happily to the eternity.
He was a very powerful or SAKTI chief warrior, respected highly by friends and enemies. He had a very strong and high position in HASTINAPURA, fully trusted by DURYUDANA. He had no reason at all to complain in his life, he had everything a man should posses; wealth, power, pride, love of his family. Everything seemed to be perfect, if he was a son of coachman. But secret of his personality, which just had been uncovered, by his real mother DEWI KUNTI and BISMA, had moved his emotions.
In the eve of his first day as KAURAWA's commander in chief, ARJUNA secretly visited him. He had the most difficult moment in his life. ARJUNA was his ardent enemy, his competitor in archery, the man he hated most up to now, and at the same time was also his brother.
AJUNA suddenly stood in front of him, knelt and greeted him honestly with full of respect and said clearly, "Please accept my sincere respects and PANDAWA's respect to you. I come here to ask your apologies for all which had happened to Our mother, KUNTI send her love for you and also all PANDAWA love you, our eldest brother".
KARNA, upon seeing ARJUNA's attitude could say nothing, he was deeply moved. What he could do was just a slightly nod with tears hanging on his eyes. ARJUNA went on, his heart was beating, "Our brother, YUDISTIRA and all of us, have decided to listen to you as our eldest brother, we will obey your decisions. If we win this war you are the one who become the emperor of HASTINAPURA. We believe that from now on, you will be always with us, your own brothers".
Upon listening and feeling what his brother said, KARNA, the powerful ADIPATI - chief warrior could not overcome his emotions, trying to stop the bursting tears, he embraced ARJUNA firmly. Both of them, the mighty KSATRIAS, who did not recognized the word 'SURRENDER' in battlefields, in reality were only human beings, could only speak with emotion, showing deep love to each other. After a while, both of them were self-composed. KARNA tried to speak calmly, "ARJUNA, my dearest brother, deep in my heart, I love all of you - my PANDAWA brothers and I also do love our mother KUNTI. I am very grateful for your decisions, it's really the most respectable honor for me. I'm telling you that the mistake is mine, as I fight only for my own welfare and happiness and to defend my powerful position, full with material wealth, I have to take the wrong side in BHARATAYUDA. I admit that it's shameful for a KSATRIA", he paused and then continued. "I personally beg you to understand my position, please convey this massage to all my brothers. As for you, ARJUNA, tomorrow don't hesitate to face me in the battle, we'll fight as true KSATRIAS. I'm prepared to be killed to preserve my good name. Use all your skill, use all your power. May God bless you". Then they embraced again each other without a word and ARJUNA asked his permission to leave.
In the next morning, KARNA wore his white dress, impressive and charming. White dress means holy and in fact he was prepared to die. With his sharp authoritative voice, he commanded his troop to be in the formation and ready to attack. KARNA's coachman was KING SALYA.
On the other side, ARJUNA sit in his carriage coached by KING KRESNA. KARNA and ARJUNA looked very determent but their hearts were governed by emotions of family love. Should they continue? Coachmen, SALYA and KRESNA knew the feeling of KARNA and ARJUNA and advised them to behave as true warriors. The battles around them had started fiercely. KARNA had just shot his KUNTO arrow to GATOTKACA. His carriage was heading forward to face ARJUNA. They exchanged shootings of many arrows.
All of a sudden, KARNA's carriage was torm to pieces, hit by GATOTKACA's body falling from the sky. He was thrown away. With no carriage he met ARJUNA directly. He was aware that ARJUNA had several heirlooms, which should kill him. But he would be happy to be killed by a mighty, powerful KSATRIA -ARJUNA, his own brother. He was happy that his brothers would be glorious rulers in HASTINAPURA, not the mad DURYUDANA.
At that time, the heirloom arrow of ARJUNA - PASOPATI hit him, and KARNA felt down, killed heroically in the battle. His death was mourned deeply by KAURAWA and PANDAWA. Although KARNA had fought for KAURAWA but as the eldest brother of PANDAWA, PANDAWA family with full heroic ceremony held the incineration of his body.
King SALYA, in his heart he preferred to be with PANDAWA, but he was trapped by DURYUDANA in such a way so that he had to join KAURAWA. He fought with all his strength, he had a powerful spell (AJI) called 'CANDRA BIRAWA'.
When he spelled the mantra (AJI) a lot of giants came out from his ears, and killed a lot of PANDAWA's soldiers. PANDAWA forces were deteriorated. Again, the wise KRESNA knew his secret. The only man who could face him was YUDISTIRA, considered as the holiest man of all the people. He was honest, kind-hearted and never lied.
The CANDRA BIRAWA giants, would not attack if it was not attacked, they did only counter-attack. When SALYA spelled CANDRA BIRAWA, it was only one giant appeared, but if this giant was killed then he would became two life giants, two would became four and then sixteen, etc. They would multiply themselves to be hundreds and thousands of giants. The soldiers who were counter-attacked by CANDRA BIRAWA giants should be death definitely, their whole blood were sucked.
YUDISTIRA was a man who did not like to fight, he should meet SALYA but instructed by KRESNA not to attack the CANDRA BIRAWA giants. The giants were confused, they did not know what to do, in facing a passive man. The giants soon reduced their total numbers. From 1000 giants became 10 and then became 1, the original CANDRA BIRAWA giant.
The CANDRA BIRAWA went back into the ears of the owner. SALYA had to fight without the help of his spell, he was getting tired as he was an old man. When YUDISTIRA released his heirloom JAMUS KALIMOSODO, SALYA had not enough power to defend himself, he got killed right away.
After SALYA's death, there was no alternative for DURYUDANA to lead the KAURAWA himself. He was alone now, all his loyal friends and warriors had been killed. He was rather dying himself than suffering to live together with PANDAWA. He ran to nearby river but chased by BIMA, then fought by using big GADA (bludgeons). Each fighter, full with anger and hatred, wanted to kill his enemy as quickly as possible. DURYUDANA did not surrender easily, although he had no hope for the future anymore. KRESNA showed the weakness point of DURYUDANA and told BIMA what to do. BIMA hit DURYUANA's thigh with his big GADA RUJAKPALA. DURYUDANA collapsed and could not move anymore. He was dead in agony. The evil king or the king of evil at last died.
BHARATAYUDA was over now, the good and the truth had defeated the evil, the greediness. The price of this glorious day was too heavy for PANDAWA, in HASTINAPURA lived a lot of widows and orphans.
In the night after the war was considered over, The son of DURNA - ASWATAMA, together with KRIPA and KARTAMARMA, treacherously slip into PANDAW's camp. Then killed some PANDAWA's family and then burned the camp and ran away hiding in the forest. DRUPADI saw who had done dishonest killing. The following morning, they were captured by PANDAWA and eliminated.
There were no more obstacles for YUDISTIRA to govern the country wisely. HASTINAPURA was a prosperous and peaceful country, respected highly by its neighbors and maintained good relation with other countries.
DESTARATA and GENDARI, the parent of KAURAWA, lived together with KUNTI, the mother of PANDAWA. They were treated honorably by PANDAWA and always been respected as their own parents. All the PANDAWA's sons were dead in BHARATAYUDA, to some extent, the death of all PANDAWA's son was ARJUNA's mistake. He had successfully helped God GURU by killing a giant king NIWATAKAWACA who menaced to ruin SURALAYA, the God palace. God NARADA, in the name of God Guru, had given him a Goddess - SUPRABA to marry, besides he was promised by NARADA that BATARA GURU should grant him whatever a request he made. ARJUNA, accompanied by SEMAR, spontaneously replied, he wished that after the BHARATAYUDA all PANDAWA remained alive. This request was agreed by NARADA.
SEMAR was shocked to hear the conversation. He told ARJUNA that when a man asking something from God, it should be clearly and precisely. In that case ARJUNA should ask for the life of PANDAWA and their children, not only for PANDAWA. But the deal was done, the fate should prove.
Luckily PANDAWA had one descendant, the grand child of ARJUNA, PARIKESIT, the son of the late ABIMAYU and UTARI. PARIKESIT was the crown prince of HASTINAPURA.
DESTARATA and GENDARI after living honorably with PANDAWA for several years, decided to live as hermits in a lovely place to donate the rest of their life for SAMADI (meditation), DEWI KUNTI as sign of solidarity joined them. PANDAWA in tears respected this decision as it was in accordance with the teaching of DARMA.
After almost three decades in power, in the situation of relatively - peaceful and prosperous, PANDAWA decide to resign from public life. The crown prince PARIKESIT had been educated properly with PANDAWA themselves as his teachers, considered mature enough to rule the country. Also the younger generation, as a result of a wise and proper training was ready to live in harmony.
The PANDAWA's generation, their loyal and respected friends like KRESNA and his families had already passed away. So, it was the time also for PANDAWA to leave all matters related with life in the world.
PARIKESIT had received all the knowledge previously mastered by PANDAWA. In short, he knew and should practice the three DARMA, consist of :
In Javanese life, the position of PENDITO (begawan, resi, priest, saint) and RATU (king or queen and all noble family) are considered very respected, even close to divine quality. So, all their words and deeds are considered right. They are called the PANUTAN, the one that should be followed and obeyed. A Javanese proverb says:
SABDO PENDITO RATU means that everyone who has said or promised something must fulfill or honor it.
Nowadays, a real leader, must posses the three DARMA, following the example of the WAYANG KULIT philosophy. PARIKESIT was inaugurated as the new Emperor to continue the ruling of PANDAWA dynasty, guided by the holy principles of three DARMA.
PANDAWA together with DRUPADI having satisfied with their life in earth, voluntarily and consciously left the palace compound. Walking to purify their souls they went tomount MAHAMERU (SEMERU). The top of this mountain was considered sacred, a place next to heaven where holy Gods live. That was an episode full with spiritual teaching. PANDAWA they were five - YUDISTIRA, BIMA, ARJUNA, NAKULA and SADEWA, but in fact symbolizing the life of a person with the five senses, DRUPADI symbolizing the real feeling of a man.
In their existence of life, PANDAWA had always together, they could not be separated one by the others, in good or in bad situation. If one of them was separated, PANDAWA's should not be in balance. This reflects the life of a person as a whole. In this journey to eternity, one by one of them felt down and disappeared.
At first, DRUPADI, symbols of human life and feeling, the latest was YUDISTIRA or PUNTADEWA or DARMAKUSUMA, the holder of the kingdom (of life), the leader of the other four brothers (four senses). He was seriously (SUSETYO) leading the others four.
The second was BIMA, who strongly and determinedly (SANTOSA) protecting PANDAWA. The third was ARJUNA, who was alert to keep the truth (BENER). The fourth was NAKULA, who was clever and skillful. No goal could be reached without a skill (PINTER). And the fifth was SADEWA, who always accomplished everything with the principle at high morality (SUSILA & TATAKRAMA). A human being has to pass the above symbols in his life on this earth. In short he must have a holy heart, doing right & correct things, patient, polite, love others, never hurt others, so that he live safely. In order to reach the condition of holiness, in preparation to be the united again with his holy origin (from where he came from before his birth). Sometimes a man needs to be in solitude, where he should practice self-denial, with limited food, sleep, sex and should not speak over the bad conducts of other people and should not torture animals.. That kind situation should enlighten him to kill all of desires of five senses and oppress his lust. He should be able more easily to concentrate in SAMADI (meditation).
To achieve this holy goal, the soul purity, the meditator has to kill all the desires of lucrative food and material wealth as well as bad or wrong or sinful hearth's wishes.
PANDAWA had solemnly do that to achieve pure reflection or reality of holy life. In the gate of heaven, God INDRA, the ruler of heaven and God, YAMADIPATI, who was authorized to snatch human soul from his body, stopped PUNTODEWO. They forbid PUNTODEWO to enter the heaven by bringing his ugly dog. If he insisted to bring it then he would enter the hell. PUNTODEWO was firm, he would not leave his dog, the ugly dirty creature, as his dog was loyal till the end. Suddenly the dog vanished and turned out to be god DARMA, his own spiritual father, who would like to test PUNTODEWO.
After passing the gate, PUNTODEWO was in the dark place, uncomfortable and sting, joining his PANDAWA families. From that place, he could see the KAURAWA lived in the beautiful palace, surrounded with a garden full of flowers and birds. They were eating, drinking, talking with a big smile. He was surprised and shocked how could it happen with him and his family. After several days, he was approached by Gods and Goddesses that he would be transferred to live in heaven by joining KAURAWA, living the other PANDAWA and family behind. He rejected the offer completely.
At last PUNTODEWO had passed the whole test, and he and other PANDAWA and family all of a sudden saw light and lived in heaven like they deserved. PANDAWA was thrown to the darkness of hell before living in a bright heaven, It was meant to give a lesson to human beings that he or she should suffer before enjoying a good life.
Heaven is the holiest place, which only the creator - God Almighty could give permission to live in, is a place preserved for holy souls of good people. The basic philosophy of PANDAWA's journey life is :
Above all WAYANG KULIT reflecting in God, in eternal life and supernatural. A life of human beings by the wish and decision of God Almighty originates from holy things, by birth should perform his or her duty properly in the world, and if not fails, should return to his or her holy origin again.
Gatotkaca (bahasa Sanskerta: घटोत्कच; Ghattotkacha) adalah seorang tokoh dalam wiracarita Mahabharata yang dikenal sebagai putra Bimasena atau Wrekodara dari keluarga Pandawa. Ibunya yang bernama Hidimbi (Harimbi) berasal dari bangsa rakshasa, sehingga ia pun dikisahkan memiliki kekuatan luar biasa. Dalam perang besar di Kurukshetra ia banyak menewaskan sekutu Korawa sebelum akhirnya gugur di tangan Karna.
Di Indonesia, Gatotkaca menjadi tokoh pewayangan yang sangat populer. Misalnya dalam pewayangan Jawa ia dikenal dengan ejaan Gatutkaca (bahasa Jawa: Gathutkaca). Kesaktiannya dikisahkan luar biasa, antara lain mampu terbang di angkasa tanpa menggunakan sayap, serta terkenal dengan julukan “otot kawat tulang besi”.
Asal-Usul dan Arti Nama
Menurut versi Mahabharata, Gatotkaca adalah putra Bimasena dari keluaga Pandawa yang lahir dari seorang rakshasa perempuan bernama Hidimbi. Hidimbi sendiri merupakan raksasi penguasa sebuah hutan bersama kakaknya yang bernama Hidimba.
Menurut versi Mahabharata, Gatotkaca adalah putra Bimasena dari keluaga Pandawa yang lahir dari seorang rakshasa perempuan bernama Hidimbi. Hidimbi sendiri merupakan raksasi penguasa sebuah hutan bersama kakaknya yang bernama Hidimba.
Dalam pewayangan Jawa, ibu Gatotkaca lebih terkenal dengan sebutan Arimbi. Menurut versi ini, Arimbi bukan sekadar penghuni hutan biasa, melainkan putri dari Kerajaan Pringgadani, negeri bangsa rakshasa.
Dalam bahasa Sanskerta, nama Ghatotkacha secara harfiah bermakna “memiliki kepala seperti kendi”. Nama ini terdiri dari dua kata, yaitu ghaá¹(tt)am yang berarti “buli-buli” atau “kendi”, dan utkacha yang berarti “kepala”. Nama ini diberikan kepadanya karena sewaktu lahir kepalanya konon mirip dengan buli-buli atau kendi.
Kisah kelahiran Gatotkca dikisahkan secara tersendiri dalam pewayangan Jawa. Namanya sewaktu masih bayi adalah Jabang Tetuka. Sampai usia satu tahun tali pusarnya belum bisa dipotong walau menggunakan senjata apa pun. Arjuna (adik Bimasena) pergi bertapa untuk mendapatkan petunjuk dewa demi menolong nasib keponakannya itu. Namun pada saat yang sama Karna, panglima Kerajaan Hastina juga sedang bertapa mencari senjata pusaka.
Kisah kelahiran Gatotkca dikisahkan secara tersendiri dalam pewayangan Jawa. Namanya sewaktu masih bayi adalah Jabang Tetuka. Sampai usia satu tahun tali pusarnya belum bisa dipotong walau menggunakan senjata apa pun. Arjuna (adik Bimasena) pergi bertapa untuk mendapatkan petunjuk dewa demi menolong nasib keponakannya itu. Namun pada saat yang sama Karna, panglima Kerajaan Hastina juga sedang bertapa mencari senjata pusaka.
Karena wajah keduanya mirip, Batara Narada selaku utusan kahyangan memberikan senjata Kontawijaya kepada Karna, bukan kepada Arjuna. Setelah menyadari kesalahannya, Narada pun menemui Arjuna yang sebenarnya. Arjuna lalu mengejar Karna untuk merebut senjata Konta.
Pertarungan pun terjadi. Karna berhasil meloloskan diri membawa senjata Konta, sedangkan Arjuna hanya berhasil merebut sarung pembungkus pusaka tersebut. Namun sarung pusaka Konta terbuat dari Kayu Mastaba yang ternyata bisa digunakan untuk memotong tali pusar Tetuka.
Akan tetapi keajaiban terjadi. Kayu Mastaba musnah dan bersatu dalam perut Tetuka. Kresna yang ikut serta menyaksikannya berpendapat bahwa pengaruh kayu Mastaba akan menambah kekuatan bayi Tetuka. Namun ia juga meramalkan bahwa kelak Tetuka akan tewas di tangan pemilik senjata Konta.
Menjadi Jago Dewa
Versi pewayangan Jawa melanjutkan, Tetuka kemudian dipinjam Narada untuk dibawa ke kahyangan yang saat itu sedang diserang musuh bernama Patih Sekipu dari Kerajaan Trabelasuket. Ia diutus rajanya yang bernama Kalapracona untuk melamar bidadari bernama Batari Supraba. Bayi Tetuka dihadapkan sebagai lawan Sekipu. Anehnya, semakin dihajar bukannya mati, Tetuka justru semakin kuat.
Versi pewayangan Jawa melanjutkan, Tetuka kemudian dipinjam Narada untuk dibawa ke kahyangan yang saat itu sedang diserang musuh bernama Patih Sekipu dari Kerajaan Trabelasuket. Ia diutus rajanya yang bernama Kalapracona untuk melamar bidadari bernama Batari Supraba. Bayi Tetuka dihadapkan sebagai lawan Sekipu. Anehnya, semakin dihajar bukannya mati, Tetuka justru semakin kuat.
Karena malu, Sekipu mengembalikan Tetuka kepada Narada untuk dibesarkan saat itu juga. Narada kemudian menceburkan tubuh Tetuka ke dalam kawah Candradimuka, di Gunung Jamurdipa. Para dewa kemudian melemparkan berbagai jenis senjata pusaka ke dalam kawah. Beberapa saat kemudian, Tetuka muncul ke permukaan sebagai seorang laki-laki dewasa. Segala jenis pusaka para dewa telah melebur dan bersatu ke dalam dirinya.
Tetuka kemudian bertarung melawan Sekipu dan berhasil membunuhnya menggunakan gigitan taringnya. Kresna dan para Pandawa saat itu datang menyusul ke kahyangan. Kresna kemudian memotong taring Tetuka dan menyuruhnya berhenti menggunakan sifat-sifat kaum raksasa.
Batara Guru raja kahyangan menghadiahkan seperangkat pakaian pusaka, yaitu Caping Basunanda, Kotang Antrakusuma, dan Terompah Padakacarma untuk dipakai Tetuka, yang sejak saat itu diganti namanya menjadi Gatotkaca. Dengan mengenakan pakaian pusaka tersebut, Gatotkaca mampu terbang secepat kilat menuju Kerajaan Trabelasuket dan membunuh Kalapracona.
Dalam versi Mahabharata, Gatotkaca menikah dengan seorang wanita bernama Ahilawati. Dari perkawinan ini lahir seorang putra bernmama Barbarika. Baik Gatotkaca ataupun Barbarika sama-sama gugur dalam perang besar di Kurukshetra, namun di pihak yang berbeda.
Dalam versi Mahabharata, Gatotkaca menikah dengan seorang wanita bernama Ahilawati. Dari perkawinan ini lahir seorang putra bernmama Barbarika. Baik Gatotkaca ataupun Barbarika sama-sama gugur dalam perang besar di Kurukshetra, namun di pihak yang berbeda.
Dalam versi pewayangan Jawa, Gatotkaca menikah dengan sepupunya, yaitu Pregiwa putri Arjuna. Ia berhasil menikahi Pregiwa setelah melalui perjuangan berat, yaitu menyingkirkan saingannya, bernama Laksmana Mandrakumara putra Duryudana dari keluarga Korawa.
Dari perkawinan Gatotkaca dengan Pregiwa lahir seorang putra bernama Sasikirana. Ia menjadi panglima perang Kerajaan Hastina pada masa pemerintahan Parikesit, putra Abimanyu atau cucu Arjuna.
Versi lain mengisahkan, Gatotkaca memiliki dua orang istri lagi selain Pregiwa, yaitu Suryawati dan Sumpaniwati. Dari keduanya masing-masing lahir Suryakaca dan Jayasumpena.
Menjadi Raja Pringgadani
Gatotkaca versi Jawa adalah manusia setengah raksasa, namun bukan raksasa hutan. Ibunya adalah Arimbi putri Prabu Tremboko dari Kerajaan Pringgadani. Tremboko tewas di tangan Pandu ayah para Pandawa akibat adu domba yang dilancarkan Sangkuni. Ia kemudian digantikan oleh anak sulungnya yang bernama Arimba.
Gatotkaca versi Jawa adalah manusia setengah raksasa, namun bukan raksasa hutan. Ibunya adalah Arimbi putri Prabu Tremboko dari Kerajaan Pringgadani. Tremboko tewas di tangan Pandu ayah para Pandawa akibat adu domba yang dilancarkan Sangkuni. Ia kemudian digantikan oleh anak sulungnya yang bernama Arimba.
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Gambar ilustrasi Gatotkaca, diambil dari http://bagooz.blog.friendster.com/ 2006/10/gatotkacasang-manusia-perkasa/ |
Arimba sendiri akhirnya tewas di tangan Bimasena pada saat para Pandawa membangun Kerajaan Amarta. Takhta Pringgadani kemudian dipegang oleh Arimbi yang telah diperistri Bima. Rencananya takhta kelak akan diserahkan kepada putra mereka setelah dewasa.
Arimbi memiliki lima orang adik bernama Brajadenta, Brajamusti, Brajalamadan, Brajawikalpa, dan Kalabendana. Brajadenta diangkat sebagai patih dan diberi tempat tinggal di Kasatrian Glagahtinunu. Sangkuni dari Kerajaan Hastina datang menghasut Brajadenta bahwa takhta Pringgadani seharusnya menjadi miliknya bukan milik Gatotkaca.
Akibat hasutan tersebut, Brajadenta pun memberontak hendak merebut takhta dari tangan Gatotkaca yang baru saja dilantik sebagai raja. Brajamusti yang memihak Gatotkaca bertarung menghadapi kakaknya itu. Kedua raksasa kembar tersebut pun tewas bersama. Roh keduanya kemudian menyusup masing-masing ke dalam telapak tangan Gatotkaca kiri dan kanan, sehingga manambah kesaktian keponakan mereka tersebut.
Setelah peristiwa itu Gatotkaca mengangkat Brajalamadan sebagai patih baru, bergelar Patih Prabakiswa.
Kematian Versi Mahabharata
Kematian Gatotkaca terdapat dalam buku ketujuh Mahabharata yang berjudul Dronaparwa, pada bagian Ghattotkacabadhaparwa. Ia dikisahkan gugur dalam perang di Kurukshetra atau Baratayuda pada malam hari ke-14. Perang besar tersebut adalah perang saudara antara keluarga Pandawa melawan Korawa, di mana Gatotkaca tentu saja berada di pihak Pandawa.
Kematian Gatotkaca terdapat dalam buku ketujuh Mahabharata yang berjudul Dronaparwa, pada bagian Ghattotkacabadhaparwa. Ia dikisahkan gugur dalam perang di Kurukshetra atau Baratayuda pada malam hari ke-14. Perang besar tersebut adalah perang saudara antara keluarga Pandawa melawan Korawa, di mana Gatotkaca tentu saja berada di pihak Pandawa.
Versi Mahabharata mengisahkan, Gatotkaca sebagai seorang raksasa memiliki kekuatan luar biasa terutama pada malam hari. Setelah kematian Jayadrata di tangan Arjuna, pertempuran seharusnya dihentikan untuk sementara karena senja telah tiba. Namun Gatotkaca menghadang pasukan Korawa kembali ke perkemahan mereka.
Pertempuran pun berlanjut. Semakin malam kesaktian Gatotkaca semakin meningkat. Prajurit Korawa semakin berkurang jumlahnya karena banyak yang mati di tangannya. Seorang sekutu Korawa dari bangsa rakshasa bernama Alambusa maju menghadapinya. Gatotkaca menghajarnya dengan kejam karena Alambusa telah membunuh sepupunya, yaitu Irawan putra Arjuna pada pertempuran hari kedelapan. Tubuh Alambusa ditangkap dan dibawa terbang tinggi, kemudian dibanting ke tanah sampai hancur berantakan.
Duryodana pemimpin Korawa merasa ngeri melihat keganasan Gatotkaca. Ia memaksa Karna menggunakan senjata pusaka pemberian Dewa Indra yang bernama Shakti untuk membunuh rakshasa itu. Semula Karna menolak karena pusaka tersebut hanya bisa digunakan sekali saja dan akan dipergunakannya untuk membunuh Arjuna. Namun karena terus didesak, Karna terpaksa melemparkan pusakanya menembus dada Gatotkaca.
Menyadari ajalnya sudah dekat, Gatotkaca masih sempat berpikir bagaimana caranya untuk membunuh prajurit Kurawa dalam jumlah besar. Maka Gatotkaca pun memperbesar ukuran tubuhnya sampai ukuran maksimal dan kemudian roboh menimpa ribuan prajurit Korawa. Pandawa sangat terpukul dengan gugurnya Gatotkaca.
Dalam barisan Pandawa hanya Kresna yang tersenyum melihat kematian Gatotkaca. Ia gembira karena Karna telah kehilangan pusaka andalannya sehingga nyawa Arjuna dapat dikatakan relatif aman.
Kematian Versi Jawa
Perang di Kurukshetra dalam pewayangan Jawa biasa disebut dengan nama Baratayuda. Kisahnya diadaptasi dan dikembangkan dari naskah Kakawin Bharatayuddha yang ditulis tahun 1157 pada zaman Kerajaan Kadiri.
Perang di Kurukshetra dalam pewayangan Jawa biasa disebut dengan nama Baratayuda. Kisahnya diadaptasi dan dikembangkan dari naskah Kakawin Bharatayuddha yang ditulis tahun 1157 pada zaman Kerajaan Kadiri.
Versi pewayangan mengisahkan, Gatotkaca sangat akrab dengan sepupunya yang bernama Abimanyu putra Arjuna. Suatu hari Abimanyu menikah dengan Utari putri Kerajaan Wirata, di mana ia mengaku masih perjaka. Padahal saat itu Abimanyu telah menikah dengan Sitisundari putri Kresna.
Sitisundari yang dititipkan di istana Gatotkaca mendengar suaminya telah menikah lagi. Paman Gatotkaca yang bernama Kalabendana datang menemui Abimanyu untuk mengajaknya pulang. Kalabendana adalah adik bungsu Arimbi yang berwujud raksasa bulat kerdil tapi berhati polos dan mulia. Hal itu membuat Utari merasa cemburu. Abimanyu terpaksa bersumpah jika benar dirinya telah beristri selain Utari, maka kelak ia akan mati dikeroyok musuh.
Kalabendana kemudian menemui Gatotkaca untuk melaporkan sikap Abimanyu. Namun Gatotkaca justru memarahi Kalabendana yang dianggapnya lancang mencampuri urusan rumah tangga sepupunya itu. Karena terlalu emosi, Gatotkaca sampai memukul kepala Kalabendana. Mekipun perbuatan tersebut dilakukan tanpa sengaja, namun pamannya itu tewas seketika.
Ketika perang Baratayuda meletus, Abimanyu benar-benar tewas dikeroyok para Korawa pada hari ke-13. Esoknya pada hari ke-14 Arjuna berhasil membalas kematian putranya itu dengan cara memenggal kepala Jayadrata.
Duryudana sangat sedih atas kematian Jayadrata, adik iparnya tersebut. Ia memaksa Karna menyerang perkemahan Pandawa malam itu juga. Karna pun terpaksa berangkat meskipun hal itu melanggar peraturan perang.
Mendengar para Korawa melancarkan serangan malam, pihak Pandawa pun mengirim Gatotkaca untuk menghadang. Gatotkaca sengaja dipilih kaarena Kotang Antrakusuma yang ia pakai mampu memancarkan cahaya terang benderang.
Pertempuran malam itu berlangsung mengerikan. Gatotkaca berhasil menewaskan sekutu Korawa yang bernama Lembusa. Namun ia sendiri kehilangan kedua pamannya, yaitu Brajalamadan dan Brajawikalpa yang tewas bersama musuh-musuh mereka, bernama Lembusura dan Lembusana.
Gatotkaca akhirnya berhadapan dengan Karna, pemilik senjata Kontawijaya. Ia pun menciptakan kembaran dirinya sebanyak seribu orang sehingga membuat Karna merasa kebingungan. Atas petunjuk ayahnya, yaitu Batara Surya, Karna berhasil menemukan Gatotkaca yang asli. Ia pun melepaskan senjata Konta ke arah Gatotkaca.
Gatotkaca mencoba menghindar dengan cara terbang setinggi-tingginya. Namun arwah Kalabendana tiba-tiba muncul menangkap Kontawijaya sambil menyampaikan berita dari kahyangan bahwa ajal Gatotkaca telah ditetapkan malam itu.
Gatotkaca pasrah terhadap keputusan dewata. Namun ia berpesan supaya mayatnya masih bisa digunakan untuk membunuh musuh. Kalabendana setuju. Ia kemudian menusuk pusar Gatotkaca menggunakan senjata Konta. Pusaka itu pun musnah bersatu dengan sarungnya, yaitu kayu Mastaba yang masih tersimpan di dalam perut Gatotkaca.
Gatotkaca telah tewas seketika. Arwah Kalabendana kemudian melemparkan mayatnya ke arah Karna. Karna berhasil melompat sehingga lolos dari maut. Namun keretanya hancur berkeping-keping tertimpa tubuh Gatotkaca yang meluncur kencang dari angkasa. Akibatnya, pecahan kereta tersebut melesat ke segala arah dan menewaskan para prajurit Korawa yang berada di sekitarnya. Tidak terhitung banyaknya berapa jumlah mereka yang mati.
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Gatotkaca-Pergiwa, diambil dari http://plixi.com/p/39995731 |
Tersebutlah rencana pernikahan antara Gatotkaca dan Pergiwa putri Harjuna sudah menyebar ke mana mana. persiapan di Yodipati tempat Werkudoro ayah Gatotkaca sudah sangat lengkap. Rencananya pesta akan dilakukan di 3 tempat yaitu Madukoro, Yodipati dan Pringgondani. kabar tersebar ke Hastina, tempat kediaman para wangsa Kurawa. Disana pertemuan agung di gelar. hadir sesepuh kurawa prabu Duryodana, patih Sengkuni, Danyang Drona. mereka membahas tentang cara agar pandawa bisa dilenyapkan. Danyang Drona memberi usul memecah belah pandawa dengan mengawinkan Lasmana dengan Pergiwa mendahului Gatotkaca dengan harapan Werkudoro akan marah dan membunuh adiknya Arjuna. rencana lengkap di persiapkan.
Rombongan pelamar dan manten Hastinapura pun berangkat. lengkap dengan pasukan dan segala macam jenis umbul umbul kebesaran dan simbol pernikahan. Sesampainya di Madukoro Danyang Drona yang berbicara dan merayu Arjuna. Maka dengan segala tipu muslihat licik, akhirnya Arjuna tidak mampu menolak. Lamaran Hastinapura diterima. Lesmana segera bersanding dengan Pergiwa. kemudian utusan ke Yodipati dikirim untuk mengirimkan kabar bahwa lamaran Gatotkaca ditolak, sedangkan rombongan penganten Hastina dipersilahkan menginap di Madukoro.
Rombongan pelamar dan manten Hastinapura pun berangkat. lengkap dengan pasukan dan segala macam jenis umbul umbul kebesaran dan simbol pernikahan. Sesampainya di Madukoro Danyang Drona yang berbicara dan merayu Arjuna. Maka dengan segala tipu muslihat licik, akhirnya Arjuna tidak mampu menolak. Lamaran Hastinapura diterima. Lesmana segera bersanding dengan Pergiwa. kemudian utusan ke Yodipati dikirim untuk mengirimkan kabar bahwa lamaran Gatotkaca ditolak, sedangkan rombongan penganten Hastina dipersilahkan menginap di Madukoro.
Di Yodipati punakawan datang membawa kabar penolakan lamaran. Werkudoro yang tadinya tampak segar tiba tiba langsung diam dan tiduran di halaman kadipaten. dan dia berkata janagn diganggu. Sementara Gatotkaca tampak sangat kecewa, tapi dihibur oleh para Punakawan. dan Petruk berjanji akan berusaha mempertemukan cinta mereka berdua kembali. maka berangkatlah Gatotkaca ke Madukoro. Menyelinap bersama Petruk ke kaputren Madukoro tempat Pergiwa tinggal.
Gatotkaca: apakah benar berita bahwa adi pergiwa akan menilah dengan kakang Lesmana?
Pergiwa: benar berita itu kakang Gatotkaca
Gatotkaca: apakah adi Pergiwa menerima lamaran dari kakang Lesmana?
Pergiwa: tentu saja kakang gatotkaca, saya menerima dan siap melayani kakang Lesmana sebagai suami.
Gatotkaca: kalau begitu aku ikut bahagia, sebagai hadiah terimalah jantungku (Gatotkaca menyabut keris)
Kemudian Gatotkaca ditomplok oleh Pergiwa, dipeluk erat.
Pergiwa mengaku bahwa dia cuma menguji kecintaan Gatotkaca. dan menyatakan bahwa dia menerima lamaran karena tidak enak dengan ayahnya. akhirnya Gatotkaca dan Pergiwa pun masuk kamar.
Pergiwa mengaku bahwa dia cuma menguji kecintaan Gatotkaca. dan menyatakan bahwa dia menerima lamaran karena tidak enak dengan ayahnya. akhirnya Gatotkaca dan Pergiwa pun masuk kamar.
Di luar lesmana datang menyambangi Pergiwa calon istrinya. dihadang Petruk. dan terjadi perkelahian. Lesmana mengetahui Gatotkaca di dalam segera memamanggil para Kurawa menyerang istana kaputren. Gatotkaca mengalahkan semua pasukan kurawa termasuk danyang Drona.
Danyang Drona marah dan mengadu pada Harjuna bahwa Gatotkaca telah berbuat tak senonoh dengan Pergiwa. Arjuna marah dan segera menghadapi Gatotkaca. Arjuna mengeluarkan beberapa pusakanya sementara Gatotkaca takjim tak melawan sama sekali. Arjuna makin marah mengira diremehkan. Petruk sangat kuatir melihat keadaan ini. apalagi arjuna mengeluarkan cemeti kyai pamuk yg dihantamkan ke tubuh Gatotkaca berulang ulang.
Petruk lari ke Yodipati. dan membangunkan Werkudoro. tapi dibangunkan berulang ulang tak bangun. Petruk ingat kisah Kumbokarno yg bisa bangun ketika bulu kakinya dicabut. lalu bulu kaki Werkudoro dicabut. dan Werkudoro bangun. diceritakan anaknya sedang dihajar Arjuna. Werkudoro tenang saja sambil bilang, ah itu tugas Arjuna sebagai paman untuk mengajari Gatotkaca tentang kebenaran. Petruk jadi bingung, lalu dia bilang Gatotkaca bisa mati, Werkudoro bilang biar saja, tidak masalah.
Petruk tidak hilang akal menghadapi ketenangan Werkudoro. dia bilang kalau Harjuna mengumpat umpat dan menjelekkan Werkudoro ketika menyiksa Gatotkaca. langsung Werkudoro sangking marahnya segera berlari ke Madukoro. Petruk ditabrak sampai terjengkang. sampai Madukoro Werkudoro mengamuk dan menghajar Arjuna sejadi jadinya. Berganti Arjuna yang harus lari ke rombongan Ngamarta yg baru datang.
Untung dilerai kresna dan puntadewa. ahirnya dijelaskan mengapa Petruk melakukan kebohongan, semua demi Gatotkaca. dan ahirnya Werkudoro berdamai dengan Arjuna. Arjuna menyadari kesalahanya. Pergiwa ditanya apakah bersedia menikah dengan Gatotkaca. Pergiwa menerima. akhirnya Gatotkaca pun menikah dengan Pergiwa. rombongan Hastina dihajar Werkudoro dan balik dengan tangan hampa ke Hastinapura.
Catatan: versi diatas adalah versi pernikahan Gatotkaca tanpa menyertakan adegan Antasena cari Bapa. dlm versi lain diceritakan saat Gatotkaca di kaputren muncul Antasena yg mencari Werkudoro ayahnya. Petruk mengaku menjadi Werkudoro. dan akhirnya Antasena membantu Petruk sehingga semua jagoan Hastina kalah. bahkan Werkudoro dilawan dan kalah. akhirnya Antaredja yg menyadarkan adiknya itu bahwa yang sebenernya Werkudoro itu yang mana. Akhirnya bersamaan Gatotkaca menikah dan Antasena sujud kepada Werkudoro ayahnya.
Putra kedua Bima dengan seorang putri bangsa Raksasa dari negri Pringgandani. Kelahirannya dianggap sebagai buah dari sebuah rekayasa bangsa Dewa. Demi wibawa bangsa Dewa, Bima dijodohkan dengan Arimbi, dengan sebuah pamrih akan melahirkan seorang bayi yang kuat dan berani seperti bangsa Raksasa, serta pandai dan cerdas seperti seorang bangsa Manusia.
Bangsa Dewa yang kala itu mendapat rongrongan wibawa dari Prabu Kalapracona, raja negri Gilingwesi. Gatotkaca pun dibuat cepat dewasa, agar segera bisa menjadi jago bangsa Dewa menghadapi serangan bangsa Gilingwesi. Gatotkaca juga diberi kesaktian yang luar-biasa. Kecepatan terbang yang jauh diatas rata-rata kecepatan terbang ksatria pada umumnya. Kulit dan badannya sekeras baja. Tak ada senjata tajam yang mampu melukainya.

Gatotkaca adalah seorang patriot. Dia begitu patuh pada negrinya, pada keluarganya, dan pada kebenaran yang dipegangnya. Dia juga tidak mau berkompromi dengan Sitija atas sengketa batas wilayah negrinya, Pringgandani dengan wilayah Trajutrisna. Sengketa di wilayah Tunggarana. Dia sangat berdisiplin dalam menjaga wilayah kedaulatan negrinya dan keluarganya, dari wilayah negrinya paling utara perbatasan Pringgandani, ke selatan ke wilayah Amarta, sampai wilayah Dwarawati paling selatan.
Dia juga membantu Arjuna menggagalkan penyerbuan Prabu Niwatakawaca, dari negri Imaimantaka, ke kahyangan Jonggring Saloka. Dia hanya diam, walaupun semua bangsa Dewa hanya tahu bahwa yang berjasa atas penggagalan penyerbuan itu hanya Arjuna seorang. Bangsa Dewa menganggap biasa saja peran Gatotkaca atas peristiwa itu, karena menurut mereka, memang demikianlah tujuan Gatotkaca dilahirkan.
Gatotkaca sendiri yang memadamkan pemberontakan di negrinya yang dipimpin oleh paman-pamannya sendiri, Brajadenta, Brajamusti, Brajalamatan, dan Brajawikalpa. Gatotkaca juga menanggung rasa bersalahnya sendiri, ketika tanpa sengaja membunuh pamannya yang lain Kalabendana, yang sangat mencintainya.
Gatotkaca belajar banyak tentang ilmu kautaman dengan Petruk dan Resi Hanoman. Pernah juga berguru kepada Resi Seta, seorang ksatria dari negri Wirata.
Menjelang perang Baratayudha, Gatokaca diangkat oleh Yudhistira menjadi panglima pasukan pihak Pandawa. Gatotkaca juga diberi kepercayaan untuk menjaga seluruh wilayah Kurusetra, tempat berlangsungnya perang, agar bisa dijaga bahwa perang akan dilakukan secara ksatria.
Gatotkaca juga patuh, ketika Kresna, penasihat perang pihak Pandawa, justru memintanya agar tidak mengeluarkan seluruh kesaktiannya saat perang di Kurusetra. Gatotkaca lebih banyak diminta menjaga dari udara, dan turun bila memang perlu benar. Dia juga patuh ketika diminta untuk mengeluarkan kesaktiannya justru disaat pihak Kurawa, di medan laga dipimpin langsung oleh sang panglima, Adipati Karna, yang telah dihadiahi senjata Konta Wijayadanu oleh Batara Indra, beberapa bulan sebelum perang.
Gatotkaca sadar betul bahwa saat diminta maju ke medan laga, bahwa itu berarti dia akan sengaja dikorbankan menjadi tumbal bagi pihak Pandawa. Agar senjata Konta yang hanya bisa dipakai sekali itu, terhujam ke tubuhnya, sehingga Arjuna selamat dari ancaman Karna.
Dihari menjelang kematiannya, Gatotkaca menggempur prajurit pihak Kurawa secara luar biasa, Hari itu adalah hari dimana Kurawa kehilangan prajuritnya dalam jumlah yang sangat luar biasa besar dibanding dengan hari-hari lain selama Baratayudha. Membuat Karna geram, dan berkeputusan melepas Konta. Gatotkaca mati dengan Konta menusuk perutnya.
The Begening
This is an epic telling the story of BHARATA dynasty from the
SATYAWATI, the daughter of fisherman with amazing charm and beauty, undoubtedly had a lot of admirers. Her father, although was only an ordinary man, had a strong determination to marry her daughter with a man of super quality. He always prayed solemnly to Supreme God, the creator of the universe that SATYAWATI'S son, one day could be a wise and great king of the country.
KING SANTANU, a widower of BHARATA dynasty, the father of Crown Prince DEWABRATA or BISMA, a brilliant KSATRIA-warrior, fell in love with SATYAWATI. He could take her as a wife with condition, that a son born from her should be coronated as a king to substitute him. He became absent-minded, heavily distressed. He knew for sure that BISMA was the only right person who could replace him.
The wise BISMA, a man with a sharp vision, knew his father's problem and he should overcome his father's sadness soonest.
As for BISMA, on top of everything in the world was his love and respect to his father. He should do everything for his beloved one although he had to sacrifice his own life if necessary. Not to be a king was not a big deal! He should dedicate his service to the country and people, as a KSATRIA and RESI (Begawan) a saint, he should never marry. He agreed the son of SATYAWATI definitely should be king of BARATA dynasty.
On his own initiative, he went decisively to see SATYAWATI's father who was very surprised of what DEWABRATA or BISMA had decided. He said that he had never met a man of such nobleness, doing something only for the sake of other people's happiness.
SATYAWATI became SANTANU's wife and gave birth to several sons. She raised her sons in the best manner, including her eldest secret son with RESI PULOSORO, his name was KRISNA DWIPAYANA.
By secret destiny of life, KRESNA DWIPAYANA with his noble character, mastering a lot of knowledge and the essence of holy teachings become a King of HASTINAPURA ruled the country wisely. The life in his kingdom was just and prosperous, and he was honored not only by his own people but also by the people of neighboring countries.
In a proper time as he had planned it carefully, he decided to step down as king and carried on a life as a hermit doing a lot of SAMADI (meditation) for his own purity and for a peaceful life of his descendants and other people. He changed his name to BEGAWAN ABIYOSO.
He had married with Princesses of KASI Kingdom, AMBIKA (mother of DESTARATA) and AMBALIKA (mother of PANDU). So, the king of HASTINAPURA had three sons, DESTARATA, PANDU DEWANATA and WIDURA. DESTARATA, the elder one, was blind since his birth, in accordance with ethnic and regulation of DARMA, the ancient teachings, he was not entitled to become a king to success his father, the younger brother PANDU DEWANATA was crowned. WIDURA was crippled.
DESTARATA married with GENDARI, they had one hundred children called KAURAWA, the most popular were the eldest son DURYUDANA and his younger brothers DURSASANA, DURJAYA, DURMURSA, DURMATA, etc, and one sister DURSILAWATI, the wife of JAYAJATRA.
PANDU the king, he had two wives, the first DEWI KUNTI, gave birth to three sons; PUNTADEWA or YUDISTIRA, BIMA and ARJUNA. The second MADRIM, gave birth to a twin sons ; NAKULA and SADEWA. Those five sons were called PANDAWA.
PANDU's wife, KUNTI, before her marriage with PANDU, when she was a young girl, she had secretly made love with God of Sun, SURYA, and had a son - KARNA.
KUNTI's meeting with God SURYA had occurred after practicing mantra (magic spells) calling God of Sun. He was drawn by her spells, but could not return to heaven before showing his love. She was so afraid, as she was still a young girl. The god with his magical strength could guarantee her, that after delivering their child she should remain virgin. Thus KARNA was born; avoiding disgrace, the baby boy was thrown away to a river where a coachman who adopted him as his son picked him up. This secret was disclosed by KUNTI to KARNA only after BHARATAYUDA had been declared (BHARATAYUDA, the war between KAURAWA and PANDAWA - the war of BHARATA family).
Princess KUNTI as her husband chose the crown prince PANDU after winning a contest in the
Among the competitors, many crown princes of different countries. PANDU had shown himself as the most gentle, handsome and charismatic KSATRIA warrior. No doubts, KUNTI draped the garland of flowers around his neck as a sign of her election.
His second wife, Princess MADRIM, the younger sister of king SALYA was also a woman of gifted natural beauty.
One a nice day, he went out for picnic with MADRIM, in the nearby forest blossoming with different flowers, the nature was so tranquil with pleasant circumstances, it was a beautiful time to caress his wife. He forgot that he was under the curse of a BRAHMANA (hermit) that he would die if he enjoyed himself with a woman.
One day PANDU was hunting deer in the wood, he saw a couple of deer playing around then he shot dead a deer with his arrow, it turned out that it was a hermit with his woman.
The young amorous king could not stop his natural need and died in the lap of MADRIM.
After the mourning period was over, DESTARATA was coronated as the king, although he was blind. His main advisor was BISMA, his unmarried uncle. He had no personal ambition and devoted his life entirely for HASTINAPURA and BHARATA dynasty. He supervised the life and education of his grand children; KAURAWA and PANDAWA. He was also called RESI BISMA (Resi - Priest).
WIDURA was advisor to DESTARATA, appointed by BISMA. He was a brilliant man, scholar, mastering a lot of knowledge such as literature, ethics of DARMA and PRIESTHOOD.
KRIPA, he was a guru to PANDAWA and KAURAWA, master in martial art and ethics of battle.
DURNA, the mahaguru to PANDAWA and KAURAWA. His father was a BRAHMANA (Hindu priest). After finishing his study of WEDA - Hindu holy teachings, he completed also his study in martial art and war strategy in which he became an expert. As a youngster his name was BAMBANG KUMBAYANA. He was prepared to do everything to defend his top position. One day, DURNA was involved in a battle face to face with PATIH (chief minister) GANDAMANA from CEMPALA or PANCHALA kingdom, his ex-rival when GANDAMANA was PATIH of HASTINAPURA. DURNA was totally defeated, one of his hands was fractured badly and it could not function anymore for the rest of his life. His nose was broken, so he had a twisted nose forever. He was referred as PENDITA DURNA, as appreciation of his expertise in holy teachings. He was married to KRIPA's sister and had one son ASWATAMA. He was accepted to work as a teacher in HASTINAPURA and lived in the palace compound. As a PENDITA (Brahmana, Pundit) he should carry on with an honest and low profile life, but life with his beloved family in the palace had lured him to luxurious path, which he prefered.
PANDAWA and KAURAWA were educated by DURNA. They were prepared to be the skilled KSATRIA - warriors, ready to dedicate their life for the fatherland. As a result of good and serious teaching, they were very skillful to use almost every kind of weapons.
On top of physical ability, they were given also moral and religious lessons. Moreover, some of them, depend on their own initiative and exercises had gained tremendous super natural power, even had received heirlooms (PUSAKA) from gods in the form of KERIS (dagger), bow and arrow, and MANTRA (magical spell).
In the process of training and living together during their childhood, as young KSATRIAS, the cousins PANDAWA and KAURAWA, were quite oftenly competing each other and quarreling.
DURYUDANA and DURSASANA were jealous to the superiority of PANDAWA in using weapons and in fight. PANDAWA were more diligent in learning, while KAURAWA were lazy because they were sons of the king.
One day, in an open archery contest for the KSATRIAS, in the square in front of the palace, watched by thousands of people, ARJUNA was superior. He was the best. The people applauded loudly every time ARJUNA hit the target. KAURAWA, especially DURYUDANA were jealous.
Unexpectedly, a youngster entered in the square and challenged ARJUNA that he could do the same as him or even better. He did some marvelous demonstration and then he challenged ARJUNA for a duel match in archery.
KAURAWA were happy, willing to see ARJUNA defeated. ARJUNA was not afraid, he agreed too. But suddenly, their guru - KRIPA stopped the plan for contest. He said that ARJUNA was a great KSATRIA of the great BHARATA dynasty, he would not do a contest with Mr. NO-BODY. This is a KSATRIA ethics, which must be respected.
DURYUDANA protested, he was going to promote that young handsome guy to be a noble man and should appoint him as ADIPATI (viceroy) of AWANGGA. Listening to DURYUDANA, a coachman came in happily, praising DURYUDANA for what he had done to his son. The unknown young man confessed that he is KARNA, the son of coachman.
This confession was ridiculed by PANDAWA. DURYUDANA took the hands of KARNA out of the arena, shouting that KARNA should be his best friend, the viceroy of AWANGGA. Since that time, KARNA was very faithful to KAURAWA until his death. During that incident nor KARNA nor PANDAWA knew that they were brothers.
A woman who witnessed the scene, had a strong feeling - that the youngster, judging from his face as hand some as his first love, wearing accessories when he was born; the shining earrings and holy weapons, must be her own son, her fruit of love with God of Sun, the elder brother of PANDAWA.
The woman, KUNTI, was trembling, afraid if something might happened to KARNA and ARJUNA, both were her sons, but she said and did nothing, kept the secret deeply in her heart.
SANGKUNI ( the evil character )
Another faithful friend to KAURAWA was SANGKUNI or HARYA SUMAN. He was a man full of intrigue, very tricky. In order to satisfy DURYUDANA to oppress PANDAWA, he would do gladly. Due to his mastering to twist words he was appointed as PATIH (chief minister) of HASTINAPURA under PANDU and DESTARATA.
SANGKUNI, he was handsome when he was young, his name was HARYA SUMAN. At his first year in HASTINAPURA, he did not have any position, although he was a trusted friend of DURYUDANA. But he was so smart to find ways in the central power if necessary by defamation. One of his victims was the PATIH GANDAMANA.
Upset by slanderous attacks of HARYA SUMAN, the honest PATIH GANDAMANA under king PANDU, beat him up black and blue, his handsome face became ugly. After that trashing, GANDAMANA left the palace.
King PANDU DEWANATA then appointed his brother in law, the younger brother of GANDARI (wife of DESTARATA) to be his chief minister. GANDARI and SANGKUNI were the children of a king from a smaller kingdom ATASANGIN or GENDARADESA.
Conspiracy to Kill PANDAWA
The people of HASTINAPURA adored more and more PANDAWA. They saw them as the sons of the great and farsighted King PANDU DEWANATA. PANDAWA now grown up, believed to have ability to govern the country as just and wise as their late father.
Moreover they had good behavior, polite, and always gave good examples to people, never hurt others. They were true KSATRIAS.
YUDISTIRA, the eldest of PANDAWA became the people's choice. He was very patient, never got to be angry, kind and wise, and had all conditions to be a great king like his late father. DURYUDANA, supported by KARNA and SANGKUNI, could not bear this unfortunate circumstance.
Moreover DURYUDANA was very jealous to his elegant cousin, ARJUNA. His wife queen BANOWATI secretly loved ARJUNA. He tried to influence his father, telling that people everywhere ridiculed DESTARATA and also BISMA. The people said that YUDISTIRA was the legitimate king of HASTINAPURA. PANDAWA was a menace to the power of KAURAWA, something had to be done to prevent the danger.
As a matter of fact, DESTARATA was a good and sincere man. He knew what's right and wrong. He had tried several times to advise his sons, especially the eldest - DURYUDANA to behave properly to be in a good terms with PANDAWA, their own cousins. But after a hot argument, DESTARATA would agree with whatever DURYUDANA's wish. He was a weak father who bowed to his son's wish, this bring unfortunate on PANDAWA.
A conspiracy to kill PANDAWA was on the way, directed by SANGKUNI, approved by DURYUDANA.
PANDAWA and DEWI KUNTI were invited to attend a grand party in BALAI SIGALA-GALA, a retreat
Midnight was the peak of the party, where anybody seems a bit drunk, some were already collapsed on the floor. The KAURAWA ushered PANDAWA and KUNTI to their quarter to rest. After saying goodnight, the KAURAWA left the place. The PANDAWA wanted to sleep right away on the luxurious beds, as they were very tired.
But they were still protected by God. BATARA (god) NARADA, the assistant of BATARA (god) GURU, appeared in PANDAWA's quarter. He told PANDAWA that they were trapped by KAURAWA by burning the palace to kill PANDAWA. NARADA told them when the fire begun to burn the palace, they had to follow a white squirrel (GARANGAN) running to an underground tunnel without further delay, otherwise they were dead. NARADA vanished at once. When the fire started burning, and a white squirrel seen running, KUNTI and PANDAWA followed it through a dark tunnel.
The palace BALAI SIGALA-GALA was cought by a big fire, nothing remained except debris and ashes. KAURAWA were satisfied, they thought PANDAWA and KUNTI were already dead. While PANDAWA after crawling in the tunnel, came out and find themselves in the jungle. They were extremely exhausted, feeling sad and they did not understand why KAURAWA wanted to eliminate them.
When the news of the fire accident reached HASTINAPURA, the king and his elder advisors were sad thinking that KUNTI and PANDAWA died. They wore mourning clothes.
Unexpectedly in the jungle, KUNTI and PANDAWA were visited by an old BAGAWAN (priest) ABIYOSO, the grand father of PANDAWA. ABIYOSO was pity for the fate of his young grand children. He told them that there was no need to be distressed and remind them, because as a KSATRIA they had to overcome any obstacles.
At last he advised them not to return to HASTINAPURA for a while, instead they had to go to CEMPALA kingdom and disguised themselves as BRAHMANA.
PANDAWA in the
In disguised as BRAHMANAS, KUNTI and PANDAWA lived in a beautiful country of CEMPALA or
In one beautiful sunny day, the court family of CEMPALA held a contest in which the winner should got the attractive princess - DRUPADI. It was held in the square in front of the ancient decorated palace. Among the crowd spectators were some distinguished guest, KSATRIAS from different kingdoms.
Crown prince DRESTAJUMENA represented the organizers, polity welcomed all the guests. Afterward he announced firmly and clearly that the winner was the one who could raised the available bows and arrows and the shooting could hit the target.
One by one archers had tried, including KING SALYA and DURYUDANA, but failed even to raise the bow, it was to heavy. Then came the turn of KARNA, viceroy of AWANGGA, a master in archery. Many people believed that he should be the winner, after seeing him raise the bow. But he had missed the target. So he also failed.
No more KSATRIAS entered the arena. Calmly a BRAHMANA came in, greeting politely to DRESTAJUMENA and asked cautiously if a BRAHMANA could be given a chance to participate. The crown Prince replied that every good man with good family background was entitled to take part and this was also the wish of her sister - DRUPADI.
All spectators were curious, who was that brave BRAHMANA. The BRAHMANA in fact he was ARJUNA, the archer of HASTINAPURA, after raising the bow, skillfully hit the target five consecutive times. The crowd was roaring, applauding to honor the winner.
Meanwhile the princess DRUPADI, wearing silk satin with shining jewelry, step down to arena. With wonderful GAMELAN accompaniment, smiling to handsome ARJUNA. DRUPADI draped a garland of flowers around his neck.
DRUPADI was brought to PANDAWA's rented house. KUNTI, the PANDAWA's mother decided that DRUPADI became the wife of five PANDAWA.
The Javanese WAYANG version of DRUPADI was different. The winner of the contest was the one who could defeat, PATIH GANDAMANA, uncle of DRUPADI, in a duel battle. GANDAMANA was famous as a KSATRIA who owned a strong supernatural power and very skillful in fights.
It was the wish of king DRUPADA, her daughter should marry with only a KSATRIA of super quality. Meanwhile KUNTI and PANDAWA had decided to join the contest, with the purpose to get a wife for the eldest son, PUNTADEWA or YUDISTIRA. PANDAWA should be represented by BIMA, as BIMA was already married man, if he could be a winner, DRUPADI was for PUNTADEWA.
After no KSATRIA could defeat GANDAMANA, PANDAWAS proposal was accepted. GANDAMANA, a KSATRIA who had the highest DARMA teachings, knew that his lifetime was numbered. He should return to eternity, to the holiest place where he came from. He knew that BIMA should be his cause of death, he was happy and not afraid. Only moments before the battle between two big strong heroes, GANDAMANA purified himself. Not known by anyone, he gave his magical spell to BIMA. After a heroic battle, GANDAMANA defeated and dead.
DRUPADI became the wife of PUNTADEWA. Latter on, DRUPADI's adroit younger sister, SRIKANDI fell in love with her own GURU in archery - ARJUNA, and became his wife.
The news of the success of PANDAWA in CEMPALA and that they were still alive broke out and reached HASTINAPURA. Their appearance in CEMPALA has denied previous news that PANDAWA had died one year ago in BALAI SIGALA-GALA. King DRUPADA asked PANDAWA and their family to stay in CEMPALA as long as they like. He could not trust DESTARATA and KAURAWA.
Meanwhile in the court meeting in HASTINAPURA, King DESTARATA pressured by BISMA and WIDURA, was compelled to call back PANDAWA to live in HASTINAPURA again.
n other court session, DESTARATA and his advisors, had decided that PANDAWA should be given a half territory of the country. This just and wise decision was taken, to prevent further conflicts between the cousins - PANDAWA and KAURAWA.
DURYUDANA and his gang - SANGKUNI and KARNA, were not happy with this 'political move' but could do nothing at the moment.
Thus, PUNTADEWA was inaugurated as King YUDISTIRA of AMARTA or INDRAPRASTA. PANDAWA and their family lived in AMARTA and successfully built the country. They carried their family life, having wives, sons, and palaces. Some of them are well known in the WAYANG KULIT (leather puppet) story such as:
- ANTAREJA, son of BIMA with an earth goddess.
- GATOTKACA, another son with a giant woman.
- ANTASENA, his son with a sea goddess - URANG AYU.
ARJUNA he had several wives;- DEWIRETNA, the mother of WISANGGENI.
- PALUPI, the mother of BAMBANG IRAWAN.
- SUBADRA, the mother of ONGKO WIJAYA or ABIMAYU. ABIMAYU's son with UTARI was PARIKESIT, the king of AMARTA and HASTINAPURA after the Great War of BHARATAYUDA.
ARJUNA also married SRIKANDI, a woman warrior. He also had goddess wife - DEWI SUPRABA, gift from god GURU. MADUKARA was the name of his palace.
ARJUNA was a very handsome ksatria adored by many beautiful women. So, at present in The
What happened with KAURAWA? DURYUDANA had two children; a boy LESMANA and a girl LESMANAWATI. The only girl of KAURAWA, DURSILAWATI married to JAYAJATRA. One of KAURAWA faithful friend was BURISRAWA.
It was the time for AMARTA to declare itself as a great kingdom - empire with YUDISTIRA as a great king as advised by KRESNA. The most important pre requisite of RAJASUYA was 'it must be attended at least by one hundred kings'.
There was another kingdom, MAGADA with its king JARASANDA also wishing to perform RAJASUYA. He had decided to celebrate it by force. He had captured around seventy kings from these neighboring countries, and had jailed them in MAGADA's prison.
PANDAWA's army attacked MAGADA, killed JARASANDA and liberated the seventy kings who were grateful to YUDISTIRA and KRESNA. At that victorious day, AMARTA kingdom celebrated RAJASUYA. At that ceremony, one of the guest kings, must be inaugurated as the most honorable guest. All of the attendance agreed that that this should be KRESNA.
Only a king, named SISUPALA was against. SISUPALA started to insult KRESNA. Although he owed his life to KRESNA but he always hated him. KRESNA had promised to SISUPALA's mother a long time ago that he would not hurt SISUPALA with an exception ' if KRESNA was insulted in front of one hundred persons then he should punish SISUPALA'. In that case in front of RAJASUYA, KRESNA had executed his right and SISUPALA died in the fight.
AMARTA had become an empire under the great king YUDISTIRA and recognized by more than one hundred kingdoms. The life in the empire was perfect.
KAURAWA and their advisors did not stop thinking how to ruin PANDAWA. At last SANGKUNI found a way out to defeat PANDAWA without a war. It was a gambling at dice. SANGKUNI knew that YUDISTIRA was very found at dice gambling, YUDISTIRA was a good gambler, but did not master how to cheat with the dice.
In accordance with KSATRIA ethics, a KSATRIA would not reject an invitation to play a dice, that was the case with YUDISTIRA. He was invited, SANGKUNI the master gambler skillfully manipulated it. YUDISTIRA lost all bets, all his material wealth, his palace, his country, PANDAWA, and his wife DRUPADI. DRUPADI was humiliated by DURSASANA.
Under the pressure of DESTARATA's advisors, result of the gambling revoked. The decision changed 'PANDAWA had to live in the jungle for twelve years. In the 13th year they were permitted to live in any country in disguise. If they were found and recognized by other people, PANDAWA had to go back to the jungle for another twelve years.
So, PANDAWA and DRUPADI went to exile. Facing a very hard life in the jungle, BIMA protested to his elder brother, YUDISTIRA. He saw by his own eyes and sure that YUDISTIRA saw too that DURYUDANA by the help of SANGKUNI had cheated. In that case the result must not be accepted. BIMA did not understand why YUDISTIRA who saw the dirty dishonest trick during the gambling did not protest them.
YUDISTIRA replied firmly that as a KSATRIA holding highly the value of DARMA, he would not disgrace DURYUDANA in front of many people, especially DURYUDANA who was a nobleman of HASTINAPURA. Moreover, since that time, they had to carry out the promise before the gambling that the looser had to go in exile for twelve years.
PANDAWA could adopt the life in the jungle, they live very modestly. Suffering had made their spiritual life calmer, and their minds became clear. Some people joined or lived near by them to live as ascetics.
BEGAWAN ABIYOSO, their grand father and guru came to visit. He told them that fate was unavoidable as he predicted during RAJASUYA. Many kings, warriors, families and enemies should die in the coming big war, PANDAWA should suffer physically for fourteen years. He told them to be brave and must past this up grading course in life and then happiness would come.
ARJUNA went to mountain INDRAKILA, live as a hermit. He meditated requesting justice so that PANDAWA could receive back their legal country. The experience of ARJUNA in this meditation was a very famous plot in leather puppet, it takes the whole night to perform this plot, and the story of this plot is named 'BEGAWAN CIPTONING MINTOROGO'.
This request was accepted by BATARA GURU, he was given a supernaturally powerful (SAKTI) heirloom (PUSAKA) in the form of a bow and arrow called PASOPATI, which could be effectively used by ARJUNA in the war of BHARATAYUDA.
KRESNA together with his brother BALADEWA and his chief warrior SETYAKI visited PANDAWA in the jungle. SETYAKI, seeing the miserable life at PANDAWA had asked KRESNA, whether PANDAWA should have to wait for another twelve years to return to AMARTA. Why they did not attack KAURAWA right now with to help of many friends.
KRESNA replied was NO. PANDAWA had to keep the promise even it was a bad one. PANDAWA must have patience and learn to overcome obstacles in life by conducting the good and right deeds permitted by God Almighty.
When the time had come and KAURAWA did not keep the promise, then PANDAWA had the right to take whatever action against KAURAWA, to declare war if necessary. KRESNA and YUDISTIRA were in the same opinion that truth is above power and prosperity.
WIRATA was chosen as a place to hide because this kingdom had not a good relation with HASTINAPURA. They got job as servants in the palace. YUDISTIRA was a servant of the king, DRUPADI served the queen. BIMA was a cook ARJUNA was a dance teacher, NAKULA took care of horses, while SADEWA took care of cows.
Months had passed, the intelligent units of KAURAWA spreading to a lot of countries could not find the whereabouts of PANDAWA. In the eleventh month, an accident occurred. The WIRATA's chief warrior found dead after trying to rape DRUPADI. Rumors spread that a giant, husband of the queen servant killed him. KAURAWA suspected that the killer must be BIMA, then KAURAWA decided to attack WIRATA.
Led by DURYUDANA, flanked by BISMA, DURNA, KARNA and SANGKUNI the attack began. WIRATA's troop led by crown prince UTORO. At first UTORO hesitated and then ARJUNA who became his coachman encouraged him not to be afraid. PANDAWA now became very skillful at battlefield defeated KAURAWA in a short time. DURYUDANA said that PANDAWA had to return to a jungle for another twelve years, because they have been discovered before 13th year had passed. BISMA explained that the last day was one day before KAURAWA attacked WIRATA, then he advised DURYUDANA that in order to have a good relation with PANDAWA again, AMARTA must be given back to PANDAWA.
DURYUDANA categorically refused BISMA's advice and firmly said that not even a piece of land should be returned to PANDAWA at whatever risk. KAURAWA prepared for war.
KRESNA, the wise king, was sent to HASTINAPURA by PANDAWA to negotiate a peaceful return of AMARTA to PANDAWA (in Javanese KRESNA DUTA). DURYUDANA, advised strongly by SANGKUNI, KARNA, JAYAJATRA and BURISRAWA was against the proposal by other advisors such as BISMA, WIDURA, KRIPA, DURNA and even his own father DESTARATA, that DURYUDANA should keep the promise gentlemanly after PANDAWA had left the country for thirteen years. DURYUDANA said proudly that as a king he had a full right to rule the country as he wished. He did not need to follow what the good books said.
BISMA said if the war broke, KAURAWA was much less powerful than PANDAWA, KAURAWA should be defeated. The KSATRIAS from PANDAWA were so SAKTI (have powerful supernatural power) and their PUSAKA (heirlooms) were also SAKTI, so there was no chance for KAURAWA to win the war. Moreover many of them or even all would die. DURYUDANA said that he was not afraid to confront PANDAWA. DESTARATA intercepted nicely, "My sons, please don't be greedy, having a half of this country is enough for you and the whole family, we shall live peacefully !".
But DURYUDANA totally dominated by evil spirit, did not want to give back AMARTA to the right owner, he could not see his own cousin PANDAWA to live as happy as KAURAWA. He just would not accept any advice from guru, begawan and even god, that a total war with PANDAWA, all KAURAWA would be dead. He and his friends started to insult KRESNA. And KRESNA upon witnessing the worst mental attitude of KAURAWA, people with no honor, went out side the courtroom, tried to oppress his anger. Spontaneously his magic power spell - TRIWIKRAMA appeared, KRESNA turned out to be a huge giant, with thunderous voice shouted, " The truth should prevail. KAURAWA, all of you shall be eliminated in BHARATAYUDA".
Upon hearing this TRIWIKARMA's voice, KAURAWA and all the audience were trembling afraid, also DURYUDANA. DESTARATA tried to apologize for what his evil son DURYUDANA had done, begged him not to execute the will of TRIWIKRAMA. KRESNA answered, "That is God punishment, it shall happened". KRESNA returned to the base camp of PANDAWA to report.
In Java, it is called BHARATAYUDA JAYABINANGUN, a war to end the conflict between PANDAWA and KAURAWA, which where cousins from the same dynasty - BHARATA's. The winners should continue the dynasty ruling over HASTINAPURA Empire.
It was an unavoidable war designed by heaven's power to eliminate all evil elements in the world. There were two opposite camps, fighting to ruin each other. But not every person involved directly in the battle, they were exception.
KRESNA by divine decision, was not allowed to involved in direct battle, using his power and weapon to crash KAURAWA, because of this happened, KAURAWA should be melted instantly by powerful KRESNA. He was permitted to act as PANDAWA's advisor and coachman of ARJUNA. DESTARATA and WIDURA remained neutral. BALADEWA did not agree with a war solution, had left the battlefield.
Some elder figures such as BISMA, DURNA, KRIPA, and KING SALYA although they were against DURYUDANA's attitude, due to their own reasons had to join KAURAWA's forces. SENGKUNI and KARNA with full determination also joined to KAURAWA.
On the side of PANDAWA were famous KSATRIAS from CEMPALA kingdom such as DRESTAJUNMENA, the woman archer SRIKANDI, from
Seeing the list of fighters, the war in KURUSETA terrain should be dreadful !.
DEWI KUNTI and KARNA - The Mother and Son
When both sides were preparing for the war a mother was worried for the destiny of one of her sons, her eldest son. Viceroy KARNA of AWANGGA, was a chief warrior of KAURAWA, going to fight his own brothers - PANDAWA in 'alive or die' battle. She confessed her mistake by not telling KARNA and PANDAWA that they were brothers - her sons. The mother DEWI KUNTI was same as any mother in earth, could not see her own sons going to kill each other. Secretly and decisively he went to see KARNA in his residence.
The viceroy was amazed by her visit, then asked her, "What could a son of coachman do for you, queen KUNTI, the mother of the noble PANDAWA ?".
"You are not a son of a coachman, ADIRATA is not your father, your father is God SURYA and your mother is me, KUNTI, who is also the mother of PANDAWA, your own brothers", KUNTI said.
Then KUNTI told KARNA the real story. She begged KARNA, in this very critical moment, it was right to leave the bad character of KAURAWA and joined his brothers - PANDAWA who were on the right side.
KUNTI continued, "By joining your brothers PANDAWA, all of you should be a powerful force able to eliminate whatever evil in the world. Please KARNA, my son, or SURYAPUTRA (son of God SURYA), do it as a reflection of your mother's love!".
KARNA the brave warrior was shocked to hear this sudden evidence, his senses told him that what KUNTI said was true and he could feel also the approval of God SURYA. After having composed of himself KARNA replied sadly, "What you have asked me, dear mother, is against KSATRIA's character. What you have done to me since I was born had robbed my right of a mother's love. I have eaten the rice of KAURAWA and I have been given position, luxurious life and trusted by them. I have also advised them to go in war, and now all of a sudden, I join PANDAWA. What will people think of me? I have betrayed my trust, I am a traitor!". Trying not to be emotional he further said, "In respect of your order to me, dear mother, I will not do any harm to PANDAWA in the war, no matter what they are going to do to me. I will not kill them, except to ARJUNA. So PANDAWA will remain five persons, the fifth is either ARJUNA or me. Please apologize me!".
DEWI KUNTI could say nothing, then she left after giving him a big hug. She asked to herself, "Who could avoid the fate of life?". She hoped God should bless him.
On the first day of BHARATAYUDA JAYABIMANGUN, RESI BISMA was appointed by KAURAWA as their commander in chief (SENAPATI), PANDAWA entrusted this duty to DRESTAJUMENA, elder brother of DRUPADI and SRIKANDI. BISMA the grand father of PANDAWA and KAURAWA proudly accepted the position of SENAPATI saying that as a KSATRIA, he should prefer to die in the battlefield than lying in bed with sickness.
Minutes before the war started, YUDISTIRA went to his grand father BISMA alone, kneeling to great him and said, "I apologize that today I have to fight you in this unavoidable war. But I would like to let you know that the big family of PANDAWA love and respect you sincerely. I would like to ask your blessing in this holy war".
The great BISMA almost cried, touching lightly YUDISTIRA head and replied, "Deep in my heart, I always love you PANDAWA and KAURAWA, I am sorry that I have failed to prevent this war and worse I am compelled to join the opposite side due to my commitments to DESTARATA. I don't hesitate that you are on the right side. Fight as a true KSATRIA and you would win. May God bless you".
Then YUDISTIRA did the same thing by visiting KRIPA and SALYA.
The war began, BISMA fought as a lion, and the other warriors from both side too. In the first day, from PANDAWA side UTORO and SETO of WIRATA were killed. DURYUDANA was happy.
In the third day, after evaluating the situation, with many victims on PANDAWA force, KRESNA advised that BISMA had to be killed right away. ARJUNA was hesitating, how could he killed his own family, guru, in the battle. Should it be better if PANDAWA gave up their demand?
The wise KRESNA advised ARJUNA on morality, ethics of KSATRIA, KARMA, DARMA, etc, among other he said, "Born as KSATRIA, you must be ready at anytime to live and to die on a tip of a weapon. Holy duty of KSATRIA is to serve the country by deflating enemies in the war to win the truth". The advice of KRESNA to ARJUNA during BHARATAYUDA was called BAGAWADGITA.
PANDAWA's forces in the meeting had decided SRIKANDI to lead PANDAWA's army's against BISMA. BISMA upon seeing SRIKANDI tried to avoid her. He knew that his death should be in the hand of a tomboy woman. Although he already knew that, his lifetime was numbered, he fought bravely. Many arrows shot by SRIKANDI, helped by ARJUNA penetrated his old body, finally he felt down (the name of SRIKANDI is very famous in
BISMA dying surrounded by PANDAWA and KAURAWA, he told DURYUDANA, "You are the one who could stop this war. Don't be greedy to your own cousins PANDAWA. As for my self I am dying in piece, I have paid my debts to KAURAWA".
DURYUDANA refused to stop the war, and accused him that BISMA had always on the side of PANDAWA. Then BISMA said to KARNA nicely, "I knew your secret, BATARA (god) NARADA told me that you are the son of BATARA SURYA with DEWI KUNTI, you should take the side of your younger brothers PANDAWA, the real KSATRIAS, fighting for the truth".
KARNA knelt to him respectfully replied, " My respected grand father, with all my love to you, I have to join KAURAWA, who have take good care of me for the whole life. This is the ethic of KSATRIA, I'll sacrifice my life to pay my debts".
BISMA whispered slowly, "it is your determination, that is the best way". BISMA death mourned deeply by all fighters.
Meanwhile many KAURAWA's brothers had died in the hand of BIMA. PANDAWA had also paid dearly - BAMBANG IRAWAN, a son of ARJUNA died in the heroic battle.
KAURAWA had a new commander in chief, Guru (teacher) DURNA, master of war strategy and skillful fighter. In the thirteenth day, ONGKO WIJAYA or ABIMAYU got killed very cruelly. He was tortured heavily in an uneven battle, beaten by DURNA, ASWATAMA, SENGKUNI, DURSASANA, after being trapped by JAYADRATA. PANDAWA was in mourning, especially ARJUNA, the father of ONGKO WIJAYA.
In this sudden moment, came their grand father - ABIYOSO, he told them no need to grieve too deeply, they had to remember the natural law of life and death.
In the following mourning, Arjuna vowed to kill JAYADRATA before sunset. BIMA in anger killed again several brothers of KAURAWA, GATOTKACA showing his ability to fly, hit to dead many enemies' soldiers. BURISRAWA, a strong KAURAWA's supporter was de-headed by SETYAKI's sword.
It was already afternoon, JAYADRATA was always staying far from ARJUNA. JAYADRATA was afraid to fight face to face with ARJUNA. KRESNA shot his mighty CAKRA (arrow with sharp disc head), it is the heirloom of BATARA WISHNU. The effect was surprising, clouds covered the sun. The fighters thought it was already sunset, the battle of today stopped and resumed again for tomorrow. JAYADRATA wanted to spot where was ARJUNA, lifted his head.
ARJUNA had prepared his powerful heirloom - PASOPATI, an arrow given to him from BATARA guru (ARJUNA had used PASOPATI to kill a powerful king giant NIWATA KAWACA, who attacked the
KRESNA the great advisor for PANDAWA knew that DURNA was not easy to be defeated, some tactics must be used to weak him. DURNA was a begawan (priest) but his love to his son ASWATAMA had made him taken a wrong decision to side with KAURAWA. KRESNA asked BIMA to kill KAURAWA's elephant by name ASWATAMA (the name was the same as DURNA's son), after that all the soldiers had to shout strongly and repeatedly, "ASWATAMA was dead!".
The thunderous yells were heard by DURNA, he was shocked whether it was true. He decided to ask a confirmation to YUDISTIRA, the man who never lied in his whole life. YUDISTIRA replied the confused DURNA softly, "Yes, ASWATAMA, the strong elephant is dead". The worried DURNA only heard the words 'ASWATAMA - dead'. He was totally demoralized, he could not imagine living without his beloved son ASWATAMA, the one he hoped to continue his aspirations of life. He could not concentrate in battle, as a result he was killed in the hands of DRESTAJUMENA.
GATOTKACA who had ability to fly was the air force of PANDAWA, his powerful magic blows had victimized a lot of KAURAWA fighters. He led an army of giant from his own kingdom - PRINGGODANI.
DURYUDANA was worried to see the storming attacks of GATOTKACA's army. He instructed KARNA to eliminate GATOTKACA immediately, otherwise more and more KARNA's soldiers should die within a short time.
KARNA at that time was busy to start a duel fight against ARJUNA. He was the only one in KAURAWA forces who had a heirloom arrow, which could kill ARJUNA. The heirloom's name was KUNTO WIJAYA DANU. KARNA heard a thunderous storm in the sky and a black cloud moving. He knew by instinct that it must be GATOTKACA in action. He shot his KUNTO to that cloud whilst going forward to face ARJUNA.
When baby GATOTKACA was born, his navel could not be cut with any knife. Upon advice from a wise man, the navel was cut by the casing of KUNTO arrow. But the KUNTO's casing penetrated inside his stomach permanently. The fate had predicted that when the arrow KUNTO returned to its casing then GATOTKACA should die. When GATOTKACA was a youngster, by accident he had killed his giant uncle, KALABENDANA. The spirit of KALABENDANA had been waiting to revenge. He knew the fate of GATOTKACA's death in BHARATAYUDA. The shot of KARNA in fact did not hit the target, the arrow KUNTO could not reach GATOTKACA who flied too high. In a very quick move, KALABENDANA's spirit took KUNTO and told him, " You have to return to your casing, I'll help you". So, with the help of KALABENDANA's spirit, KUNTO hit GATOTKACA. GATOTKACA's spirit together with KALABENDANA's went back happily to the eternity.
He was a very powerful or SAKTI chief warrior, respected highly by friends and enemies. He had a very strong and high position in HASTINAPURA, fully trusted by DURYUDANA. He had no reason at all to complain in his life, he had everything a man should posses; wealth, power, pride, love of his family. Everything seemed to be perfect, if he was a son of coachman. But secret of his personality, which just had been uncovered, by his real mother DEWI KUNTI and BISMA, had moved his emotions.
In the eve of his first day as KAURAWA's commander in chief, ARJUNA secretly visited him. He had the most difficult moment in his life. ARJUNA was his ardent enemy, his competitor in archery, the man he hated most up to now, and at the same time was also his brother.
AJUNA suddenly stood in front of him, knelt and greeted him honestly with full of respect and said clearly, "Please accept my sincere respects and PANDAWA's respect to you. I come here to ask your apologies for all which had happened to Our mother, KUNTI send her love for you and also all PANDAWA love you, our eldest brother".
KARNA, upon seeing ARJUNA's attitude could say nothing, he was deeply moved. What he could do was just a slightly nod with tears hanging on his eyes. ARJUNA went on, his heart was beating, "Our brother, YUDISTIRA and all of us, have decided to listen to you as our eldest brother, we will obey your decisions. If we win this war you are the one who become the emperor of HASTINAPURA. We believe that from now on, you will be always with us, your own brothers".
Upon listening and feeling what his brother said, KARNA, the powerful ADIPATI - chief warrior could not overcome his emotions, trying to stop the bursting tears, he embraced ARJUNA firmly. Both of them, the mighty KSATRIAS, who did not recognized the word 'SURRENDER' in battlefields, in reality were only human beings, could only speak with emotion, showing deep love to each other. After a while, both of them were self-composed. KARNA tried to speak calmly, "ARJUNA, my dearest brother, deep in my heart, I love all of you - my PANDAWA brothers and I also do love our mother KUNTI. I am very grateful for your decisions, it's really the most respectable honor for me. I'm telling you that the mistake is mine, as I fight only for my own welfare and happiness and to defend my powerful position, full with material wealth, I have to take the wrong side in BHARATAYUDA. I admit that it's shameful for a KSATRIA", he paused and then continued. "I personally beg you to understand my position, please convey this massage to all my brothers. As for you, ARJUNA, tomorrow don't hesitate to face me in the battle, we'll fight as true KSATRIAS. I'm prepared to be killed to preserve my good name. Use all your skill, use all your power. May God bless you". Then they embraced again each other without a word and ARJUNA asked his permission to leave.
In the next morning, KARNA wore his white dress, impressive and charming. White dress means holy and in fact he was prepared to die. With his sharp authoritative voice, he commanded his troop to be in the formation and ready to attack. KARNA's coachman was KING SALYA.
On the other side, ARJUNA sit in his carriage coached by KING KRESNA. KARNA and ARJUNA looked very determent but their hearts were governed by emotions of family love. Should they continue? Coachmen, SALYA and KRESNA knew the feeling of KARNA and ARJUNA and advised them to behave as true warriors. The battles around them had started fiercely. KARNA had just shot his KUNTO arrow to GATOTKACA. His carriage was heading forward to face ARJUNA. They exchanged shootings of many arrows.
All of a sudden, KARNA's carriage was torm to pieces, hit by GATOTKACA's body falling from the sky. He was thrown away. With no carriage he met ARJUNA directly. He was aware that ARJUNA had several heirlooms, which should kill him. But he would be happy to be killed by a mighty, powerful KSATRIA -ARJUNA, his own brother. He was happy that his brothers would be glorious rulers in HASTINAPURA, not the mad DURYUDANA.
At that time, the heirloom arrow of ARJUNA - PASOPATI hit him, and KARNA felt down, killed heroically in the battle. His death was mourned deeply by KAURAWA and PANDAWA. Although KARNA had fought for KAURAWA but as the eldest brother of PANDAWA, PANDAWA family with full heroic ceremony held the incineration of his body.
King SALYA, in his heart he preferred to be with PANDAWA, but he was trapped by DURYUDANA in such a way so that he had to join KAURAWA. He fought with all his strength, he had a powerful spell (AJI) called 'CANDRA BIRAWA'.
When he spelled the mantra (AJI) a lot of giants came out from his ears, and killed a lot of PANDAWA's soldiers. PANDAWA forces were deteriorated. Again, the wise KRESNA knew his secret. The only man who could face him was YUDISTIRA, considered as the holiest man of all the people. He was honest, kind-hearted and never lied.
The CANDRA BIRAWA giants, would not attack if it was not attacked, they did only counter-attack. When SALYA spelled CANDRA BIRAWA, it was only one giant appeared, but if this giant was killed then he would became two life giants, two would became four and then sixteen, etc. They would multiply themselves to be hundreds and thousands of giants. The soldiers who were counter-attacked by CANDRA BIRAWA giants should be death definitely, their whole blood were sucked.
YUDISTIRA was a man who did not like to fight, he should meet SALYA but instructed by KRESNA not to attack the CANDRA BIRAWA giants. The giants were confused, they did not know what to do, in facing a passive man. The giants soon reduced their total numbers. From 1000 giants became 10 and then became 1, the original CANDRA BIRAWA giant.
The CANDRA BIRAWA went back into the ears of the owner. SALYA had to fight without the help of his spell, he was getting tired as he was an old man. When YUDISTIRA released his heirloom JAMUS KALIMOSODO, SALYA had not enough power to defend himself, he got killed right away.
After SALYA's death, there was no alternative for DURYUDANA to lead the KAURAWA himself. He was alone now, all his loyal friends and warriors had been killed. He was rather dying himself than suffering to live together with PANDAWA. He ran to nearby river but chased by BIMA, then fought by using big GADA (bludgeons). Each fighter, full with anger and hatred, wanted to kill his enemy as quickly as possible. DURYUDANA did not surrender easily, although he had no hope for the future anymore. KRESNA showed the weakness point of DURYUDANA and told BIMA what to do. BIMA hit DURYUANA's thigh with his big GADA RUJAKPALA. DURYUDANA collapsed and could not move anymore. He was dead in agony. The evil king or the king of evil at last died.
BHARATAYUDA was over now, the good and the truth had defeated the evil, the greediness. The price of this glorious day was too heavy for PANDAWA, in HASTINAPURA lived a lot of widows and orphans.
In the night after the war was considered over, The son of DURNA - ASWATAMA, together with KRIPA and KARTAMARMA, treacherously slip into PANDAW's camp. Then killed some PANDAWA's family and then burned the camp and ran away hiding in the forest. DRUPADI saw who had done dishonest killing. The following morning, they were captured by PANDAWA and eliminated.
There were no more obstacles for YUDISTIRA to govern the country wisely. HASTINAPURA was a prosperous and peaceful country, respected highly by its neighbors and maintained good relation with other countries.
DESTARATA and GENDARI, the parent of KAURAWA, lived together with KUNTI, the mother of PANDAWA. They were treated honorably by PANDAWA and always been respected as their own parents. All the PANDAWA's sons were dead in BHARATAYUDA, to some extent, the death of all PANDAWA's son was ARJUNA's mistake. He had successfully helped God GURU by killing a giant king NIWATAKAWACA who menaced to ruin SURALAYA, the God palace. God NARADA, in the name of God Guru, had given him a Goddess - SUPRABA to marry, besides he was promised by NARADA that BATARA GURU should grant him whatever a request he made. ARJUNA, accompanied by SEMAR, spontaneously replied, he wished that after the BHARATAYUDA all PANDAWA remained alive. This request was agreed by NARADA.
SEMAR was shocked to hear the conversation. He told ARJUNA that when a man asking something from God, it should be clearly and precisely. In that case ARJUNA should ask for the life of PANDAWA and their children, not only for PANDAWA. But the deal was done, the fate should prove.
Luckily PANDAWA had one descendant, the grand child of ARJUNA, PARIKESIT, the son of the late ABIMAYU and UTARI. PARIKESIT was the crown prince of HASTINAPURA.
DESTARATA and GENDARI after living honorably with PANDAWA for several years, decided to live as hermits in a lovely place to donate the rest of their life for SAMADI (meditation), DEWI KUNTI as sign of solidarity joined them. PANDAWA in tears respected this decision as it was in accordance with the teaching of DARMA.
After almost three decades in power, in the situation of relatively - peaceful and prosperous, PANDAWA decide to resign from public life. The crown prince PARIKESIT had been educated properly with PANDAWA themselves as his teachers, considered mature enough to rule the country. Also the younger generation, as a result of a wise and proper training was ready to live in harmony.
The PANDAWA's generation, their loyal and respected friends like KRESNA and his families had already passed away. So, it was the time also for PANDAWA to leave all matters related with life in the world.
PARIKESIT had received all the knowledge previously mastered by PANDAWA. In short, he knew and should practice the three DARMA, consist of :
1. | DARMANING PENDITO UTOMO | ||||||||||||
In Javanese life, the position of PENDITO (begawan, resi, priest, saint) and RATU (king or queen and all noble family) are considered very respected, even close to divine quality. So, all their words and deeds are considered right. They are called the PANUTAN, the one that should be followed and obeyed. A Javanese proverb says:
SABDO PENDITO RATU means that everyone who has said or promised something must fulfill or honor it.
Nowadays, a real leader, must posses the three DARMA, following the example of the WAYANG KULIT philosophy. PARIKESIT was inaugurated as the new Emperor to continue the ruling of PANDAWA dynasty, guided by the holy principles of three DARMA.
PANDAWA together with DRUPADI having satisfied with their life in earth, voluntarily and consciously left the palace compound. Walking to purify their souls they went to
In their existence of life, PANDAWA had always together, they could not be separated one by the others, in good or in bad situation. If one of them was separated, PANDAWA's should not be in balance. This reflects the life of a person as a whole. In this journey to eternity, one by one of them felt down and disappeared.
At first, DRUPADI, symbols of human life and feeling, the latest was YUDISTIRA or PUNTADEWA or DARMAKUSUMA, the holder of the kingdom (of life), the leader of the other four brothers (four senses). He was seriously (SUSETYO) leading the others four.
The second was BIMA, who strongly and determinedly (SANTOSA) protecting PANDAWA. The third was ARJUNA, who was alert to keep the truth (BENER). The fourth was NAKULA, who was clever and skillful. No goal could be reached without a skill (PINTER). And the fifth was SADEWA, who always accomplished everything with the principle at high morality (SUSILA & TATAKRAMA). A human being has to pass the above symbols in his life on this earth. In short he must have a holy heart, doing right & correct things, patient, polite, love others, never hurt others, so that he live safely. In order to reach the condition of holiness, in preparation to be the united again with his holy origin (from where he came from before his birth). Sometimes a man needs to be in solitude, where he should practice self-denial, with limited food, sleep, sex and should not speak over the bad conducts of other people and should not torture animals.. That kind situation should enlighten him to kill all of desires of five senses and oppress his lust. He should be able more easily to concentrate in SAMADI (meditation).
To achieve this holy goal, the soul purity, the meditator has to kill all the desires of lucrative food and material wealth as well as bad or wrong or sinful hearth's wishes.
PANDAWA had solemnly do that to achieve pure reflection or reality of holy life. In the gate of heaven, God INDRA, the ruler of heaven and God, YAMADIPATI, who was authorized to snatch human soul from his body, stopped PUNTODEWO. They forbid PUNTODEWO to enter the heaven by bringing his ugly dog. If he insisted to bring it then he would enter the hell. PUNTODEWO was firm, he would not leave his dog, the ugly dirty creature, as his dog was loyal till the end. Suddenly the dog vanished and turned out to be god DARMA, his own spiritual father, who would like to test PUNTODEWO.
After passing the gate, PUNTODEWO was in the dark place, uncomfortable and sting, joining his PANDAWA families. From that place, he could see the KAURAWA lived in the beautiful palace, surrounded with a garden full of flowers and birds. They were eating, drinking, talking with a big smile. He was surprised and shocked how could it happen with him and his family. After several days, he was approached by Gods and Goddesses that he would be transferred to live in heaven by joining KAURAWA, living the other PANDAWA and family behind. He rejected the offer completely.
At last PUNTODEWO had passed the whole test, and he and other PANDAWA and family all of a sudden saw light and lived in heaven like they deserved. PANDAWA was thrown to the darkness of hell before living in a bright heaven, It was meant to give a lesson to human beings that he or she should suffer before enjoying a good life.
Heaven is the holiest place, which only the creator - God Almighty could give permission to live in, is a place preserved for holy souls of good people. The basic philosophy of PANDAWA's journey life is :
Above all WAYANG KULIT reflecting in God, in eternal life and supernatural. A life of human beings by the wish and decision of God Almighty originates from holy things, by birth should perform his or her duty properly in the world, and if not fails, should return to his or her holy origin again.
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